MadMike's Sun Grown 2013

I found some damn mold on a lower branch so it got snipped. The rest of the plant looks healthy. This is my last year with this strain, I still can't sex them and they were planted in early April. It's a great smoke from what I grew last year. This geo-engineering crap which turns the weather patterns doesn't help either. It is July and in the 70's here and no sun due to the overcast. :hmmmm:
Okay. It wasn't mold. Upon further inspection, I examined the lower branch I severed. Fine webbing was found gluing the leaves together. Beneath that very fine material, the leaves were being eaten. I found no culprit. The good news is I identified 1 male OGR out of four. Not bad. The others will be transferred from pots very soon.
I decided to let two go in the ground and the rest in Smart Pots. I used a 7, 10,15 gallons out of curiosity. OGR's looking great and one just began flowering :yummy: Weather has been fluctuating and often too cool here this Spring and Summer. Many overcast days. I didn't plan for this and should have. I will be better prepared next year with some new strains to try out. I'll get some pics up as soon as I can. I hope everyone is loving, living, and avoiding the snares of status quo. George Carlin was right. The status quo really does suck.
Another male was pulled

The others are looking good


Nice job Mike, too bad it was a male. Oh well, I wish you all the best for greenest growth and clear and sunny temperatures with cool breezes.

I see the females are starting to flower now too! Cheers~:high-five:
Nice job Mike, too bad it was a male. Oh well, I wish you all the best for greenest growth and clear and sunny temperatures with cool breezes.

I see the females are starting to flower now too! Cheers~:high-five:

Yeah. Thanks, Les. I'm not satisfied with this year. Slow plants, unpredictable cooler weather. I need to investigate more strains. Granny Derkle was a big yield last year. Some were 8' high and 6' wide near the end. OGR not so much since I grew one in a 7 gallon smart pot last year. I expected more putting the OGR's in the ground. Fox soil, Fox nutrients, plenty of water, so I know those are not problems. Perhaps I'll be surprised. I was always suspicious of claims that topping plants creates more yield. Guess it depends on what you're growing. I'm telling you...the rash acceptance of geo-engineering may be a bigger problem than people realize. With all the global warming hype over the years, they actually think they can control the sun's rays by aerial chemicals that will deflect it. People just follow the self appointed "leaders". I don't think they realize the ecological detriment this will cause further down the road. They are pushing a greenhouse affect while blocking the full spectrum light of the sun. The earth is experiencing a cooling cycle. What they are doing will only make matters worse, all in the name of environmentalism, sustainability, and other horseshit re-definitions.
OGR's are looking good :yummy: Here's a couple



Very humid evenings and mornings, but good breezes starting in early afternoons. I'll have more pics as nature moves along.
Getting frosty :popcorn:
More progress:


How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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