Mad Scientist 7D2 when it comes to the regular seeds, are they legitimately male or female seeds (xx/xy) ? or does environmental factors (lights, stressors, ect) determine the seeds sex? how sea turtle eggs--the sex is determined from the temperatures of the nest 🤔 when it comes to the regular seeds, are they legitimately male or female seeds (xx/xy) ? or does environmental factors (lights, stressors, ect) determine the seeds sex? how sea turtle eggs--the sex is determined from the temperatures of the nest 🤔
Determine if hermie or not. Female stays female and male male unless u alter ot colloidal silver then. You can change hormones.. but if 1000 males one will by nature change . Never seen that done but heard it will happen.
Regular seeds are mixed usually by mistake. Pollinated a female to make seeds. There for seeds will be both sexs.
Now if femilized seeds are usually SC spray to change a stem to become male. Which will be femalized.
But light all rest can screw any of that up. Seed production to herme plant. when it comes to the regular seeds, are they legitimately male or female seeds (xx/xy) ? or does environmental factors (lights, stressors, ect) determine the seeds sex? how sea turtle eggs--the sex is determined from the temperatures of the nest 🤔
To point blank answer. Legitimately male female. Mixed. Light all that nothing to do with seed. It's born male die one.they say roundness u can tell but it's a crap shoot never know till u grow one. And flip it.. only way to tell on regular seeds. when it comes to the regular seeds, are they legitimately male or female seeds (xx/xy) ? or does environmental factors (lights, stressors, ect) determine the seeds sex? how sea turtle eggs--the sex is determined from the temperatures of the nest 🤔
If you reverse a female plant and pollinate another female, then you will get feminized seeds.

So it has to be decided when receiving pollen.

I know that a lot of people say it doesn't make any difference, but many others claim that regular seeds are more stable and produce better plants overall. Cannapot mentioned that they grew both feminized and regular seeds from various breeders (the same cultivar, just regular and feminized), and they said that all the regular seeds were better than their feminized counterparts.

i do like regular seeds more.
I will start mid 2025 my first fem project, with the Keepers i have collected the last year
If you reverse a female plant and pollinate another female, then you will get feminized seeds.

So it has to be decided when receiving pollen.

I know that a lot of people say it doesn't make any difference, but many others claim that regular seeds are more stable and produce better plants overall. Cannapot mentioned that they grew both feminized and regular seeds from various breeders (the same cultivar, just regular and feminized), and they said that all the regular seeds were better than their feminized counterparts.

i do like regular seeds more.
I will start mid 2025 my first fem project, with the Keepers i have collected the last year
I heard that also. Idk true or what. But I likening. Sounds reasonable. So if female throw nanners it can pollinate others with femalized seeds. Wow. I only thought CS spray can do that. Didn't know female natural does it. Cool deal. Learn something today
I heard that also. Idk true or what. But I likening. Sounds reasonable. So if female throw nanners it can pollinate others with femalized seeds. Wow. I only thought CS spray can do that. Didn't know female natural does it. Cool deal. Learn something today
They used to do that in the early days... they stressed the plant or let it live for too long so it would produce bananas and pollinate the other plants.

But, if a plant produces bananas early on and pollinates your plants, I wouldn't recommend using those seeds. The offspring will likely do the same, and nobody wants seeds when they're trying to grow flowers, right?
They used to do that in the early days... they stressed the plant or let it live for too long so it would produce bananas and pollinate the other plants.

But, if a plant produces bananas early on and pollinates your plants, I wouldn't recommend using those seeds. The offspring will likely do the same, and nobody wants seeds when they're trying to grow flowers, right?
No we don't want that. I think I remember if nannerplant only make nanners. But I thinkni remember it's just bad . Lmao.
Hmm. Makes me want rry make seeds that way.
Need figure out what next to grow. Still got two hanging and trimming them. Before they dry




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