May 14, 2006 #21 D DaHui New Member Check out for more info in your state. But pretty sure Louisiana is not med pot coverd yet.
Check out for more info in your state. But pretty sure Louisiana is not med pot coverd yet.
May 14, 2006 Thread starter #22 Thepurplem0nkey New Member Corporate, not a stretch in California. -PM
May 23, 2006 #24 fallen New Member if you can really get med. mar. for ADHD like you say, then I need to get out there now. as of now i've been diagnosed with it and have to take shit like adderall @ high doses, which I just sell to friends to make enough to buy some weed.
if you can really get med. mar. for ADHD like you say, then I need to get out there now. as of now i've been diagnosed with it and have to take shit like adderall @ high doses, which I just sell to friends to make enough to buy some weed.