(In a hurry, as it's long past my bedtime, so I'm not quoting text excerpts.)
I've read mixed reviews on Strawberry Fields; people either seem to love it or hate it, and it might not be the best product for a new grower.
Run your lights on an 18:6 light:dark schedule. Or up to 20:4. The latter seems to be the "sweet spot" in terms of yield for people who've tried to do direct comparisons with all other factors being as nearly identical as possible. There's a little more to it than just "how many hours," things like DLI and how much light-energy a plant can process at any one time. But with your light and the area of your grow space, you'll be fine anywhere within that range.
Transplanting is fine, within reason (be as careful as you would with any plant). Tearing half the root system off is bad for any plant. If you wait until an autoflowering plant is rootbound, you might have hastened the transition to flower. Most folks would probably see that as a bad thing, lol. If your space is severely limited and/or you have lots of plants growing in that space, well... <SHRUGS>
If you feel that your light is producing too much heat (it's most likely not, instead it's probably producing the usual 3.412141633 BTU per watt), remember that its wattage is adjustable. The newer TS-1000s have a handy knob, if I remember correctly; the older ones have an adjustment screw with a little rubber plug covering it on the driver (power supply). For a seedling, there's no need to run that LED panel at full output (a 23-watt 6,500K CFL placed an inch or so above the plant, in a horizontal orientation, would be sufficient for the first week or so). I'd have to go look at mine to know (and am not going to at this late hour), but it might have enough length in the wires for you to remove the driver and place it outside of the tent. That would remove a relatively significant source of heat from the grow space.
It looks like you've got an oscillating fan at the top of your tent, pointing downwards. If so, and you're worried about your light, reposition it to the floor, pointing upwards. That's probably what I'd do, regardless. I assume your exhaust fan is moving air out at the top of your tent, and your passive intake vent(s) is/are at the bottom.
Good luck on your grow!