Your stuck in an emergency situation, what gets you further a debit card and an "I promise I'll pay you when we get to an ATM" or I got cash I need gas/food/water/supplies etc... Was my point. Most folks don't have enough diamonds or gold to barter with and even less actually own any land. Even in Venezuela where there currency is literally not worth the paper it's printed on they still use it as a form of currency because it's a common hard item with a value associated with it. They just weigh it now instead of counting it.
There are still merchant's here that do not accept non cash payments of any kind. (My extended family runs a diner that's cash only.)
A society that deals only in easily traced and taxed digital transactions is not far fetched the majority of mine are after all. But face to face transactions exchanging a hard item with a defined though variable value are rapidly declining.
There are still merchant's here that do not accept non cash payments of any kind. (My extended family runs a diner that's cash only.)
A society that deals only in easily traced and taxed digital transactions is not far fetched the majority of mine are after all. But face to face transactions exchanging a hard item with a defined though variable value are rapidly declining.