Lost In The Fog

Thought I do a little update.

Now there are just six of them left. I think the pH is balancing out fine now. Been feeding them at 6.4 now for a while. Starting to see some more greenish color at the top leafs closest to the buds.

Still problems with yellowing and dying leafs... I cant get my wraps around what it could be.... can bad genetics give these issues or are they strictly environmental?
Tok down some branches on the neighbors cherry tree. The wasps love it and Ginza hates the wasps. They have built a large nest under the roof in the summer place. The pest control are coming and spraying the nest in a few days hope she can cope...

Ginza and her best friend Gizmo... Think she is in love with him. :)

The plants look like they usually do, like hell. Keep feeding them the 6.4 pH mix with only Canna and cal/mag. Maybe its the heat that's doing it to them...

This one is starting to show the same signs as the others........

This one is getting chopped in a week.

Soon shutting down business for this time until the fall... Time for some distance and thinking things over and how to move along.
can bad genetics give these issues or are they strictly environmental?

My guess is, "Not unless that was the intention of the breeder."

But genetics can mean that any given plant has nutritional requirements that are different enough from its stable mates to experience issues if they're all treated the same. In theory, that can happen even if all plants are of the same strain, but you'd of course see it much more plainly if you were growing disparate strains (bunch of heavy hybrids and an African landrace sativa that naturalized in conditions where the soil has been pretty poor for the last 8,000 years, stuff like that).
Keep feeding them the 6.4 pH

That still seems weird to me, for regular (non-specific) feeding. OtOH, different nutrient formulations might have different bases, so IDK.
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