Looking For Tester Of Mars Hydro FC-E3000 LED & Grow Tent

Currently in the middle of my first grow, having pieced together everything from lights, to soil, a tent and ventilation, I’m happy with my results so far. I would be extremely proud to test a new light and tent on my second grow! #MarshydroFCE4800.
You did do really good with that grow. hope mine grows like that

Y'all seeing here first...
Sexxpot & Pinkman Goo by @Weed Seeds Express germinated yesterday and will eventually end up outside under the California sun!

Ooooor...win this gorgeous light and grow a Sexxpot in my bedroom right next to my bed. It is for my wife after all...she doesn't know it yet though. Supposedly helps women with hormone regulation. ANYTHING that helps with that and I'm all in!!! :kisstwo:

If i read it wrong im sorry bit ive been on alot of sites where ppl are just out rude for no reason I’ve had it happen to me more then a few times just because i asked questions they didnt like or just out of no where so im really sorry
No worries man. Also, I hope you had a chance to read @Rexer 's response. He really is right on about this humble little community.

Curious though, what exactly was it from my response that you took as being rude? I really am trying to interpret what you saw. I don't mean to rub people the wrong way. One thing for sure is here in this community, I am in no way attempting to be rude. I hope most of those familiar with me would agree. If not, please let me know. Online interactions could go awry rather quickly as has happened here. @Rexer is right though that this is a sanctuary for us all. For real @Redbare , Blessings man!
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