Wow! How exciting is this? I get to do another beautiful harvest and I couldn't have chosen better people to do it with.
My attempt is to use this post as an opportunity to conclude one plant (Tutenkhamon) to focus on the other (Anesthesia). This journal has kind of been all over the place and it's time I reel it in a bit and finish strong. So, please bear with me, I hope to make it enjoyable.
I'm going to get right into it. I am using Green Planet Nutrients and I'm following the "Ultimate Feeding Program." According to the chart, week 8 signals the time to begin feeding with nothing more than the "finisher". We are now 3 days into week 8 and today is the day that she gets a full flush. Here's the chart for reference.
Auto Tutankhamon is a selection of Ak 47, this variety has one of the highest percentages of THC in the market (as demonstrated by Energy Control in the 2011 Barcelona Spannabis). Auto Tutankhamon becomes a small, compact and densely branched plant with plenty of THC buds
Type - Auto Flowering 80% Sativa 20% Indica
THC - 22%
Indoor - 7/8 Weeks --This is week 8 aiming for 10
Here we go!!
Her leaves aren't as frosty as I would have hoped. However, although they will be used for some baking, I won't be smoking them. The buds look great! and the last couple weeks have been explosive! She gets thicker and thicker.
Now I Flush
Here's what I will be using. As you can see I have put the finisher in one bottle of water but not the other. The solution on the right will be used this week and the water on the right will be used next week. I say solution but all it is is 18.9L (5Gallons) of reversed osmosis water and 50ml of the finisher product. While the water on the right is just reversed osmosis water. Cost me 3$ for each jug. Not to bad... If you can't see, I can provided the PPM and PH of both jugs
This was her soil before the flush. My intention was not to displace the soil to much... but that didn't work out so well
And after the flush
I took a couple samples of the water. The idea behind the flush is to ensure that you relieve the plant of all its nutrients before harvest to avoid them in the smoke. Well, since I have these great meters I've collected over the last couple months of this journal, figured I'd use them.
I took 3 samples beginning, middle and end.
Then I tested them
Well, its welcome news to see a PPM of 300-600 at this point in the flush. Because I'm feeding her 1400 PPM at the end of week 7 (last week). So, it should only go down. Right? haha. Remember, this is a 2 week flush. Next week I will be flushing with the water with only 14 PPM. So, I hope to have even lower results then.
Well that was fun! Sure felt nice to be headed down the home stretch once again. As I finish up this week I will be looking into Budwashing and adding that to my portfolio of new idea gained from this great place. Thanks 420 and Everyone here! I honestly wouldn't be here without you guys!