LMAO Cloning For Dummies

This is for you and your lady bugs I hope you find this funny
kids Snack Pack and peacock feathers why you were sitting here talking about your ladybugs
Yes aphid and spider mite can take over but there's only one that I know of that a single one of them can kill an entire plant overnight they are called scales and they are a horribly nasty bug I don't know of many ways to treat for them I normally just cut my stuff down if I end up with scales sounds funny to say
They are a nasty little creature you should look into it not that you will ever get them but they fascinate me normal treatment for bugs just do not work for them
My girl brought 1 of my clones I had in solo cup and repotted it and has it in living room lol...told her not sure how good it will grow not being on a light schedule and it might turn hermaphrodite idk guess we'll see what happens
Very uncommon bug to get most people get it and bring it home from hunting on their hunting clothes and they can live through the washer and dryer and live on your clothes for months until they find somewhere to feed they look like exactly what it sounds like a scale off of a fish
I didn't get a chance to water any of my plants today...I had to make time yesterday cause they didn't get fed for couple days...I'll restart my schedule tomorrow since hopefully my plumbing is fixed now I hope
Nope don't want a part of that....you're passionate about what you do so I respect that and your knowledge has help me a many others so I appreciate it
A good heavy Indica as you're going right to bed will keep you from having anxiety and let your body get used to it again indicas are heavy in the first place so if you let it run even longer it gets even more heavy as the chemicals go from THC to CBN as they start to degrade this gives you more of a couch lock effect and extreme couchlock effect then all you have to do is Place yourself in bed and good night but I know you're not going to that's just you
Here comes a lecture (lite):
I get intense paranoia from indoor indicas, esp if they've been (not badly, but kinda newbie experiment) not well grown.
For a long time, living in asia with the death penalty for any kinda drug, it was the only weed i could get...
I love smoking, hate the paranoia. So i developed a kinda system:
1) before you smoke, think positive.
2) take small hits rather than an entire hige joint in 1 go - get gradually stoned so you can kinda control the depth of high
3) stupidest one of all - think positive thoughts. This one is the bastard that actually works: you kinda keep tabs on how you are feeling. Whenever something negative wants to creep up, start thinking about something fun. For stupid stoned, i always put on a silly comedy, as this helps keep things upbeat.
4) if you expect to be paranoid, you will be. The mind is the most powerful muscle in the body, it makes you breathe without thinking about it, it's amazing. So, feeling like a complete ass the first time, think happy thoughts for at least an hour before you light up. You know you get paranoid, you know how it starts out feeling... you can control your mood by thinking about it, so just try it once. For me? *batting eyelids furiously*

Idk if this will help, it did for me. These days, cop cars park outside our wall & i yawn, cause it's never about the weed. Nobody but me cares about my weed, it's too small a grow to be pro, paperwork will be more hassle than it's worth getting me off the street. They've parked there about 3 times these past 2 months, nothing happened to me, it was for traffic violations.
Well said...I will try that...I took a few hits the other day...thru the whole day I smoked maybe a bowl...and felt pretty good...I do have a lot of negatives in my life at the moment and my mind races 24/7 wondering and thinking about shit I gotta do or fix...and my job requires me to be on call 24/7 so that don't help not knowing if right after I smoke my phone goes off then gotta go to work...but I'll try your method soon and see what happens...my buddies was outside with me last 2 days helping with my plumbing and smoking sour diesel and smelled soooo good...I had their smoke smell and the smell from my room could smell outside so basically I was drooling on myself lol I love weed and miss smoking all day everyday...
I learned years ago how to fix my paranoia the whole key to that is to realize it is paranoia and that is it once you realize that and can convince your brain that is what it is it no longer takes it as a threat which means you can smoke in peace I have not been paranoid in years unless I don't smoke and then I can get a little paranoid
It's not so much paranoia just more rapid heartbeat and feels like can't breath and all that rookie crap...I know it's in my head but the feeling still sux
Oh don't feel bad I can't smoke sativas for that reason it makes my anxiety 10 times worse I have learned to stay away from that bad sativa bad bad sativa go grow in skunks house

And yes I am all kinds of messed up I have had too much oil today so much fun so little time
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