LMAO Cloning For Dummies

Yeah I dug a little deep in my bag and knowledge on that one I was on one of the threads and seeing something about people saying foliage feeding has absolutely no effect on the plant whatsoever but I do have a large understanding of the way nutrients work and it got me to thinking and it took me about an hour to put it all down out of my head but I managed to get there if you need any help or would like me to explain any of it just let me know and you know I will be more than happy to do so
That was good thinking because it is a lot to take in it took me awhile two intake everything and come up with an understanding of how things work but it's extremely useful
Some people are just Skeptics and will never just believe in something until they have scientific proof behind it but even with scientific proof behind things I still like to see it for myself and see how much of a difference that actually makes
I don't have help here and there's only one other guy growing in my whole town and not sure about talking to him about things cause it's hard for me to trust anyone so this site and you guys are my only help
I am still racking my brain and trying to put all the breeding information that I have stored in my head on paper so I can put a thread on here 4 everybody but it was asked 4 by Merry Anna
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