LMAO Cloning For Dummies

Super cropping in something you need to be very careful with when doing but here we go the object of super cropping used to crush the inside cells without crushing the outside walls of the branch so you can take it and put it in between two fingers and slowly roll it and crush the inside of the branch this will cause it to act like a broken bone and stiffen up in that area you can take them and been them into any position that you want and they will stay but you have to be very careful because you can break the branch very easily even though the branch will feel but it creates a lot of stress it keeps you from having to talk your plants because you can just super crop any branch that you want on there and point it back down to the ground if you want might want to look into it great way to increase yield great way to learn to deal with different plants please come back and post after you have done your research and let me know what you think this is a very good method just be very careful a fine line and between crushing the inside of the branch and crushing the entire branch
That is good by the end of the two weeks your plant should be perfectly ready for Harvest what method do you plan on using for curing just curious I am in one of those curious moods today
Can you discribe "Supercrop" haven't heard that term before.
You gently roll/crush the stem of a cola which has stretched to close to the light. After the interior of the stem becomes soft, but without damaging the exterior of the stem, you can bend it 90 degrees. Then support it. It should heal shortly and prevent the light burn which would be caused by the bud being too close to the light.
I've heard that the stress can cause the bud to develop more tricomes, and become stronger smoke.
That is good by the end of the two weeks your plant should be perfectly ready for Harvest what method do you plan on using for curing just curious I am in one of those curious moods today
As I will be away for 2.5 weeks after harvest, I'm rather concerned about this. I'm planning on hanging them in a mostly closed cardboard box in the coolest part of my house. I'm worried about them getting too dry, but I can't think of any options. Any suggestions? I contemplated the low/slow fridge method , but I would want to be there to check on them.
You know me I like the low and slow but if you were we was to dry too fast and get too crispy it is easy to take the buds cut them off the branches put them into a jar take a piece of orange pill inserted into the jar put in the refrigerator leave overnight plants will suck the moisture from orange peel will pick up some flavors of orange in them because of the oil at they are exorbitant with the moisture
Man this polyploid is so weird looking....only the 2 bottom branches are affected by the trait...one branch is like a 1 inch wide but thin....shoots all over it and it seemed to hit a point and like curve over idk so weird...the other branch split itself and one branch shot up and other stayed short and bushy...just a weird looking situation...one of her clones already has the trait going pretty bad
I love super cropping one of my favorites I don't really like topping I don't like it because it's stunts the plant after you do it

Not sure but would super cropping a flowering plant be a good thing to do?
they say not to do it during flowering because stress of the plant around the bud area can cause them to hermaphrodite it won't happen all the time but it is something that you have to worry about if doing it during flowering
I only super crop during veg because with all the new strains they have coming out not all strains are genetically stable this means some strains are prone to be Turning hermaphrodite I have used it during flowering when plants get too tall in order to bring them back down but I have seen stress turn them quite easily but it is all a personal preference everybody has their own way of doing things

The clones are looking great to me. I just topped them tonight, as well as flushed my flower girls.
Wow, step out for a smoke break and return to see 420 new posts, lol. Y'all have been busy.


Some hand made deer and moose antler pipes.


Also nice.

VERY nice. As a matter of fact, I see several new (to me) pictures of cannabis have appeared in the thread. Cool :popcorn: .

I know it's under hps light but I'm not asking for help on anything and I don't have time to remove them so I can take pics under regular lights. So sorry about that.

Lol. Most lighting doesn't bother me. It's just... I have color perception issues, and some of the reds/purples look like, well... just different shades of no-color, like shades of gray. It's no big deal, just challenging to look at red and purple cannabis plants ;) .

My mother plant must have been thirsty ...usually I can pour 1/2gal in and get some runoff...not today...catcher is dry....I've been giving her 4-5 oz everyday

Is it in a small pot? Why only 4-5 ounces, and why water every day?

I love to hunt it is a stress reliever for me but my wife hates it so I try to keep it to a minimum but I am more into Conservancy of animals than anything

I love to be in the woods (if it's not too hot), and I love to have meat in the larder. But my eyes are really too poor to go hunting any more. The odd wild animal has been known to wander into my back yard from time to time, though. That's like walking into the freezer, isn't it? :rofl: .

I've done it couple times...I'm more into cars and trucks tho...don't really have time or patience

I didn't have the quiet when I was a kid, I kind of think Pop might have used me as a noisemaker to scare the deer over into the hollow that he was searching in, lol.

what is your light schedule right now with your photos and Autos in the same room?

I'm currently trying to get a Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel to sprout. I'm currently only running one area, and there have been a total of three plants in there for months (don't ask, lol), along with the occasional clone(s). But I'm rooting some cuttings soon, and when most/all of them show signs of rooting, I'll either be switching to 12/12 then or shortly afterwards (within a week or so). I may try to pull the auto (assuming it grows; if not, I discovered that I had two seeds, so...) out and give it ~6 hours of additional light, but that seems like it'd be a colossal pain in the @ss - so even if I do, I can guarantee that won't last very long. It'll be getting good light right up until the sativa content in the clones takes over during the flowering stretch, then they'll be getting priority because... sativa.

40+ more posts to read just to be caught up in one thread, whew. This is getting lengthy, I better go ahead and post it.
My mother plant is in a 5gal bucket...I was informed it's best to feed small amounts everyday...helps to keep from over watering and it's beneficial...was told they are like humans and we like to eat everyday ....makes sense to me and she is doing better since I started that...I now give her 8oz a day...and if she needs it I'll give more
Cant start another grow yet I have to finish movin and I don't want to be away with a grow in process even for a couple of days. The ancient apple trees in my yard are very popular with the critters. Lost count of the bucks, seeing some nice ones and the bears are regular visitors. As long as they stay at the apple trees I dont mind em but somethin that makes a big boom is always handy.
First maters and all but the the last little girl in jars. Pretty happy with the results of my first grow. The next go round will be startin soon and I WILL be taking some proper cuttings this time no more cuttings in flower stage. Also plan to pay a lot of attention to makin some fem seeds.
S&W 327trr8
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