Lime's Incredible Grow Journey 2020

Thank you for the compliment!

Has been a change since I got away from Miracle Grow soil.

Not use to having to feed them at such a young stage.

Slowly getting it figured out.
I find that it's better to control them from start and work your way up. Less headache and running around figuring what is that is causing a deficiency. Specially with miracle grow. its like this feeding brawndo
I am glad I stumbled onto your grow, its because U commented on my post, again thanks. I am really enjoying your journal mainly because we are close in our plants age, I wish I could have followed u before I got started. I am a Newbie and had some problems, but Im moving along good for now. I also have a "Krinkle" baby, she was first put into unwashed Coco at my ignorance, then I tried saving her by putting her into my new medium F.F's Coco-loco, and now she coming up. Other pic is my "Black Waters", donated seeds from a friend on here. I am at 3 weeks with those two! Good luck and keep up the great work?


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I find that it's better to control them from start and work your way up. Less headache and running around figuring what is that is causing a deficiency. Specially with miracle grow.
Ya was ok for veg, but soon as I got to flower it wasn't ideal.

I am glad I stumbled onto your grow, its because U commented on my post, again thanks. I am really enjoying your journal mainly because we are close in our plants age, I wish I could have followed u before I got started. I am a Newbie and had some problems, but Im moving along good for now. I also have a "Krinkle" baby, she was first put into unwashed Coco at my ignorance, then I tried saving her by putting her into my new medium F.F's Coco-loco, and now she coming up. Other pic is my "Black Waters", donated seeds from a friend on here. I am at 3 weeks with those two! Good luck and keep up the great work?


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Thank you! Much appreciated!

I'm glad you stopped in to stay high :D

Feel free to ask questions if you like, I dont mind helping where I can, and I hope others would chime in aswell, if someone asks a question here?

Your plants look nice!
Thanks friend, I actually have a question now, as I remember yours are mostly Indica as mine, do U plan on any training, i.e. topping, Super Cropping? I was told mine were a shorter strain but want, as most of us a good harvest. Lets roll on!
Yes I will be doing FIM and LST training fairly soon actually so stay tuned, this helps to keep em short and bushy with multple tops ;)

I do FIM at 5 node usually, then start Low Stress Training...once i have more branches to tie down.
Good looking stuff Bro. Btw I seem to remember early in your post on this strain that they would grow big in small containers, that being said will these be in their final pots now which appear to be about 1 gallon???
Thank You!
No ..I will upcan as they grow. They are in small pots atm. Think that was a typo, cuz they stated can be grown in a 2 ounce pot? Wtf lol
Yup I caught it, had me wondering, but I have seen some guys push out some pretty bushy plants in relatively tiny pots, amazing! My max size is going to be 3 gallon, and maybe squeeze 4 plants into my box! Honestly im just hoping to end up with 2 nice Females. Im not a heavy smoker, doing this mostly for a hobby, and its Covid/Winter time here in NC!
Great cant wait, and also how about explaining your choice of FIM versus Topping?
I have a funny note to mention! Lol to me I think it’s supposed to mean F**k I missed!! For FIM! And for topping your just popping off that main shoot on the main top. Just figured I’d make some smile with that one to start off my day!!! I’m sure y’all heard it before!
I have a funny note to mention! Lol to me I think it’s supposed to mean F**k I missed!! For FIM! And for topping your just popping off that main shoot on the main top. Just figured I’d make some smile with that one to start off my day!!! I’m sure y’all heard it before!
I love this Fuckin technique ;)
Creates multiple tops with just a clip. Low stress, plant bounces back within a day.

Pretty sure we can swear, no need to typo it? ... considering strain is Fucking Incredible ...surely we can say that here in thread as its in my Title :hookah:
:high-five::passitleft:I love this Fuckin technique ;)
Creates multiple tops with just a clip. Low stress, plant bounces back within a day.

Pretty sure we can swear, no need to typo it? ... considering strain is Fucking Incredible ...surely we can say that here in thread as its in my Title :hookah:
I too use this method sometimes as well when the veg room gets backed up and I need to cut and proon them back some. But I personally do so much topping because each strain is different in its own right, and some that I love to run like being topped just once and then I have a few strains that you can top them a few times and that’s where they thrive the best.
Haha and all love my friend I just try as much as possible not too swear lol but I’m sure any kiddos that might be wondering this page shouldn’t be here to begin with lol or if they do I hope one day they have the biggest green thumb on the planet!!
I am glad I stumbled onto your grow, its because U commented on my post, again thanks. I am really enjoying your journal mainly because we are close in our plants age, I wish I could have followed u before I got started. I am a Newbie and had some problems, but Im moving along good for now. I also have a "Krinkle" baby, she was first put into unwashed Coco at my ignorance, then I tried saving her by putting her into my new medium F.F's Coco-loco, and now she coming up. Other pic is my "Black Waters", donated seeds from a friend on here. I am at 3 weeks with those two! Good luck and keep up the great work?


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have you created a journal? if so, go to your signature which can be found in the black menu by clicking on your name and copy past your journal url in the signature box and save it.
You're probably are not getting any visitors because members don't know where your journal is.

good job with your watering method. make those roots search for wet areas.
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