Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed Planted New Year's Eve During the Blue Moon

Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

I don't usually have extra water sitting around but that's a good idea. I don't mind the extra potassium silicate as my cabinet temps occasionally run a bit higher than I'd prefer and it's supposed to help the plants cope with heat. I am curious at what point it becomes toxic though, like you I have noticed that it does seem to take a lot more than what the label says is needed to raise the pH.

I found another seed last night too, should make up for the one I found on a test bud I cut, thought I had checked it to make sure there wasn't any :( So that's three supposedly feminized seeds that I know of on this girl :) Also counted about 35 growing tips, closer to 40 if I had counted the side shoots!
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Also realized after coming home from work (extra long day...11.5 hours minus lunch, need the money though, no biggie) that I forgot to cover the back of my cabinet on one side above the right exhaust fan hole. Even with towels over the windows and the wooden (I think, they're thick and heavy) shades closed it still gets a bit bright in there until after noon :( Hopefully the light leak doesn't delay maturation too long.

Another smoke report...smoked 2/5 of a bowl with my gf before dinner :passitleft: sweet/fruity taste but harsh due to quick dry. And yes, I like odd fractions because 1/2 and 1/4 don't always accurately reflect something :P Anyway definitely a very "UP" high and creeper indeed, smoked that bowl about 15 minutes ago and I just now realized that I am quite high, almost "floaty" I type I have the sensation that my fingertips are kind of numb and I have a very noticeable body buzz going on mainly concentrated in my forearms and hands, probably because that's the only part of me really moving atm :) My gf has some Pad Thai about ready to eat, ALL made from scratch including the tofu AND tamarind sauce...chicken, green bell pepper, hot peppers (serrano it looked like, but I can handle pequins pretty easily and those are easily over 100,000 schovilles *heat unit...Tabasco is around 5000 I think lol, flavored water imho, but tasty*), carrots, and who-knows-what-else! Easily as good as any Thai I have had at restaurants if not better than some.

Oh yeah...smoke sidetracked lol. Which is my case in point...after splitting less than half a bowl with my gf (1/4-1/2 lungful hits, nothing full tilt) I am relaxed as can be, feel great, and rambling about what's for dinner lol.

I checked my first journal and that plant flowered for about eleven weeks so I'm pretty sure I have another 1.5 or so left on this one but who knows. Depends how bad that light leak messed with her timing, at least that exhaust vent faces the wall opposite the window although the paint is white and there is about 4-5" between it and the wall. I say no worse than a full moon and it wasn't sunny all day long, think it clouded over around 3PM (give or take a few hours). Unless my gf turned the closet light on for a few minutes I don't think it'll be a problem, that particular light has a near direct path in to the box and I've warned her a few times about it even with my contraption to block as much light as I can with only fabric.

Anyway...still babbling...gonna hit "Submit" before I have a short story on my hands :bong:
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Good news except for that light leak which i am sure is not too big of a problem. Plant really looks good Lil N.

Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

So tomorrow begins week 9 of 12/ 63...starting to get impatient, probably because I've been out of bud for a few days. Got my sister to bring me the last bit of bud she had from my last grow that I was raving about at the end of my last journal...nice and potent but only about a bowl left which I have been able to spread out over two partial bowls thanks to its potency ;)

My last grow went about eleven weeks but waiting two more weeks is gonna darn near kill me lol...I'm broke, got fired from my job on Friday morning (was off that day, phone call) for supposedly calling my boss another word for a female dog but I never said that, still gotta find out wtf is up with that, not that I want to go back to work for her and not that $7.50/hr is worth losing sleep over but hell, money is money even if it's not enough to cover everything. Somebody is putting words in my mouth and I aim to find out who...I think I have that right considering they cost me my job.

Trichs still appear to be clear but I'm having a hard time telling for sure. Since I have enough bud to last me tonight I figured I'd force patience on myself and wait until tomorrow to consider another test bud.
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Sorry about the bad news Lil, that college I had two temps lie about me to the boss and got me a better job right after that, but not the point...they both wanted to work together and wanted permanent positions (janitor's wheee). I didn't even fight it, but I told my boss I was coming to pick up my check, do not mail it to me. I gave my side and when he looked like he was considering hiring me back, I told him I didn't want to work for someone stupid enough to fire someone based on the say of two brand new employee's so don't offer....this was a contract to clean a mall in Phoenix...I was friendly with the security guards, I had worked there a few months. A month or so later I was in that mall (was 4 blocks from my apt.) and one of my guard friends told me that crew lost the contract for my ex-boss, they were up in a mall display (a yacht) smoking reefer and taking an hour break...all on camera that was right above them...moron's. Dude lost a 4 man cleaning contract for believing the wrong people...I finished my schooling with my next boss who gave me a raise the first night based on the report from the manager of the store I cleaned, so I started out making more than the other job...:smokin:

Moral of the story is...what comes around goes around brother.

Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Nice grow man!

Like they say weed will get you thru times of no money, better then money will get you thru times of no weed! :nicethread:
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Sorry about the bad news Lil, that college I had two temps lie about me to the boss and got me a better job right after that, but not the point...they both wanted to work together and wanted permanent positions (janitor's wheee)


Dude lost a 4 man cleaning contract for believing the wrong people...I finished my schooling with my next boss who gave me a raise the first night based on the report from the manager of the store I cleaned, so I started out making more than the other job...:smokin:

Moral of the story is...what comes around goes around brother.


Karma's often a bit too slow for my liking but better late than never. I'm trying to get hired on where my neighbor works right now, he told his boss that I was looking for a job and had some experience with the line of work. I called the boss guy today or rather left a message for him with the operator as I couldn't get through to his office phone. Hopefully that will work out, 7AM is a bit early of a start for me but I'll least it's light out in the morning nowadays!

Hi Lil N I am with you on this one....losing the job was not good.:smokin2:

But being out of bud is serious!!!:yahoo:

lol, tell me about it...

Nice grow man!

Like they say weed will get you thru times of no money, better then money will get you thru times of no weed! :nicethread:

Thanks, that's exactly what another neighbor of mine says...except now I have no money and no bud :smokin2:

Looking great man!
Another week or 2 yeah? A great period to be in as im sure those trichs will change.

Bud sites are looking great, so tastey. How much do you predict you'll get?

Thanks fuuji, I'm hoping it's less time than that but going by what my previous grow journal said it took last time that would be about right. Main difference between these two grows other than being a different strain is that I am wanting to harvest twice, once for the sativa-like buzz and once later on for the indica-like buzz. I think she's pretty close for the first harvest, I can't make up my mind on the trichs and I know that artificial lights can make them look different to an extent. Problem is her lights aren't on when there's daylight out except in the morning and I'm not too keen on taking her out in 40 degree weather with everyone out and about on their way to their cars for work to take trich pics :popcorn:

Due to the nute lockout/pH imbalance issues I was having I have decided that 3oz is a pipe dream now but am still hoping to get at least 2oz off her. Might even end up a little short of that but that's more the cynical/pessimist part of me talking lol. Good to see you pop in!
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

What's up Lil N,

Hope you get to harvest a branch soon to keep ya going..

Work for me is about to run out again too.. I have no clue what comes next. Let's get together go to cali and start our own shit. We'll sell ganja tacos on the side of the road.
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Ganja there's some Mexican food I could get excited about! Great idea...hmmm *strokes goatee in thought*

Test buds I clipped just now. It appears my trichomes are going from clear to amber lol, or maybe it's the dying leaves doing it. Really though the trichs are quickly turning cloudy so I may not have nearly as long as I thought. I cut two test buds from lower in the canopy, gonna quick dry one tonight and let the other one dry a little longer.

Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Thanks guys

I'm kind of smacking myself right now for not giving her some EJ Catalyst all this time...just mixed up some water/Catalyst (1Tbsp for about 85% of a gallon of water, I'll skip the weird fractions lol) and will give it to her tonight. I meant to do it last night but spaced it out and saw the gallon of water on the counter this afternoon which reminded me. Ah well, she doesn't have enough leaves left to tell if she's drooping or not anyway lol.

Also got this box from my previous job before I was fired based on hearsay...should work great for drying considering how many colas I have. I used a similar one last grow but with fewer compartments. Didn't even need to add ventilation, the air here is usually so dry that the buds were almost completely dry within a couple of days. I'll punch some holes in the bottom of it of course to allow for some air flow but other than that fan, no silicate, nothing. Helper cat included for size comparison ;)

Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

That cat looks so much like my Trixie.. I want her back you Mldkeduaoeirj b;eifu pfoivja'kj fiuasj a
aerog fqmnahaeriu q[ru bn

Sorry, I just miss her and so does her brother Max

Hope you had a good test run. looks like you may just need to look at triches under a floro light (cool) so you can check her out betr
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Aw man, that sucks dude, I don't know what else to say...another buddy of mine just had one of his cats pass away, 15 years old. My cat is four, maybe five, so hopefully she'll be around a while longer.

The bulb closest to the front of the cabinet door where I take my trich pics is actually a "cool" bulb but the ones above it are "warm". Next time I may try unscrewing most of the "warm" ones and see how that goes. The pics I took last night were a bit easier to read than before though...hmmm.

Buzz from that one bud last night arrived promptly, seemed decently strong considering I only split half a bowl between my gf and I. More of the usual "up" buzz, didn't last a long time but that's expected with the quick dry and all. Pistils are still mostly white except for some of the lower buds, they're turning red much faster...same with the trichs, more cloudy/amber down low rather than up top. I always thought that the top of the plant matured before the lower buds though.

Oh...and those little bugs I saw a few weeks back in the soil, I finally took a close look at them after I watered and they're definitely springtails :thumb:
Re: Lil Neutrino's 2nd Indoor CFL - Bagseed planted New Year's Eve during the blue mo

Great tune sisco, we enjoyed it! Gonna have to bookmark that one...

Trichs are turning more cloudy but the pistils are still quite white for the most part. I think she recently had a little growth spurt as I've had to adjust the lights because her highest cola was starting to get in to the bulbs :) I just wish she still had some good fan leaves left...ah well, whatever! Here's some pics I took this evening.

Regarding my high temps I've been posting I finally decided to lower the temp probe the extreme top of the top cola and put it about 20% down the stalk. Temps were a good 4-5F cooler down there so those mid to upper-80F temps were only affecting the very top of the plant so the temp traumas aren't as bad as I thought :thumb:

Used flash on all but the last two so the quality isn't the best but it works...hard to get a sense of depth though :(

She snuck in there again...I think it actually turned out pretty cool. "I always feel like...somebody's watching meeeee!"

Trying to spread the colas out to show how many there really are

Tried a new angle this evening...from the bottom of the plant pointing up through the canopy :yummy:

Tried to manually focus this one, gotta practice a bit more I think but there's promise lol
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