Lighthouse Hydro 90w LED


I like your idea of adding CFLs in there , I think that added spectrum will benefit the grow !! Loks great so far !!.:peace:
just to be fair these are the nutes im giving the girls

They are looking good!!

Nice stockpile of nutes. Didn't know you were using molasses as well.

You have a very nice looking grow Spartan.
But is that water I see on the leaf?
You're into flowering now, so discontinue spraying your plants.
Spraying water on the plant during flowering can very easily lead to moldy buds.
I know from experience, I did it to my first flowering girl oh so many years ago.
Otherwise, keep up the good work.
Bad Karma i was going to say something but didnt becuase I figured he knew something i didnt... but nice for saying something! +rep
I spray them because of the floreign bloom i have. Im also supposed to foliar spray purple maxx to get the purpleing so well see. Here are some updated pics. I put a warm & uvb cfl in the middle to get some more light in there.

this plant is pretty weak and i'm a little disappointed. I ordered some CO2 pads to get my ppm up.

Say, what brand is it? Whats the app size of the space in the pic?


What brand is what? The CFL's, LED's?? "app" as in application? The fertilizer applications? The "space" or sq ft. of the tent if that's what you mean is 8ft2 (4x2)
well just to wrap this up, the yield was very disappointing. My ladies definitely did better under the hps. That said, the leds did help me during these hot summer months. Even though the hps is a better bulb, even watt for watt in my mind, its still way to hot. Being in an apartment, I cannot simply drill holes in my wall and vent the hps properly.
well just to wrap this up, the yield was very disappointing. My ladies definitely did better under the hps. That said, the leds did help me during these hot summer months. Even though the hps is a better bulb, even watt for watt in my mind, its still way to hot. Being in an apartment, I cannot simply drill holes in my wall and vent the hps properly.

Sorry to hear about your less than stellar results, sg. Maybe you can sell these back on eBay and pick up some nice T5's instead. Still a bit less heat and they'll ScrOG very well, too.

What pisses me off about this stuff is the false advertising. I checked out Lighthouse's website - Cree doesn't even MAKE a 660nm LED!!! :thedoubletake: Yet they have the gall to use their brand name in front of their nm ratings for the reds. I've got all the spec sheets from all the major manufacturers on my hard drive. You'd be shocked to hear how often I run across something some snake-oil LED jockey salesman is promoting on a site or ebay that's either way overinflated, dead wrong, or an outright lie.

The bastards.

Even if they're buying the cheapest, low-bin Cree XP-C's at 30 lumens/watt (for the 625nm reds) in quantities of 1000+, that's still going to be well over $100 in LED costs alone - before drivers, MCPCB, casing, power supply, etc. And if they want decent, high-bin Crees (still the cheap XP-C's mind you, not good XP-E's that cost $3-4 EACH), they'll be paying around $2 PER LED for the emitters alone, in quantity.

Which means they'll never be able to put them in a $210 list price unit and make money. These guys need at least 40-50%+ margins before it's worth their while - and a lot are asking for 60-70% over their product cost - and getting it.

You'll get more lumens/watt with some of the better taiwanese and korean LED chip makers than the low-bin XP-C's anyway. Edison Opto, Seoul Semiconductor, even Everlight - those folks make a decent LED for the money.

More likely, these are more cheap chinese knockoffs, I hate to say. And definitely something else than Cree for the 660's, if they're in the panel at all. Maybe you can still use them as a veg light, at the least...

Good luck on your next harvest sg, may it be under a HPS! ;)


Hey SpartanGreen, wassup?? I'm in your neck of the woods too, GO GREEN!!!
Interesting read, too bad the yield wasn't up to par. I almost went with some led's but after reading your review I decided that I'd hold off. I think the market is too new, but I bet in the not too distant future LED's will be much improved and dominate the market. I almost went for THESE.
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