If I was in your situation, (but haveing slightly more experience)
this is MY step by step approach, to this MINOR inconvenience of to much plant and not enough room,
You ready, got pen and paper , there will be a test
Step 1 Get a good buzz on,
I say buzz cuase it is safer to stick to plan, If I get stoned I get to creative and loose in the end yield
step 2 get comfertable ( tunes, seat stool of some sort) grab a pare o scizors and star trimming all fan leaves that are on the main trunk, these are usually masive by this point.
Some say pinch, Some say use sharp trimmers or blade,
I prefer trimmers, I cut the fan as close to the trunk as possable.
just past the bend on top you see the stump from the leaf. the stump on bottum was later trimmed tight
befor trimm and bend
top right corner 2 weeks ago
Step 3.
now that I got a good view up there skirts
I would take 4 of them and LST/Bend, at this time a screen for training is not wise, but 1 will be needed for support for end stage buds
step 4 . lady 5 gets her first 2 nodes (should be 4 branches) get removed.
I place thumb and for finger on lower node and same on top node and gently start twisting back and forth until it is weak .
The outer "skin" of the trunk will be tough but paitience will get this to soften, which will allow for approximatlly a 45 degree bend.
Fortunatly this grow is in soil
as this will stress the lady by 4-10 days ,not a problem
Step 5. place this lady in the center and against the back wall top pointing out. Using some string I would criss cross a couple times to hold down
The light would be placed with the socket at the back wall so the 4 ladies on the side get better light coverage.
From this point out I will concentrate on the ends of the branches for colas
In a week or 2 it should look like a HPG
I make no promises this will work for you,
I do not have the ability to grow in soil,
I do ok in hydro
I await your follow up Questions