Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

looking good mate, training seems to be coming along nice,

its going to explode with growth when you let the ends grow up,

also i did read somewhere that outdoors the sun is around 1000watt per sq ft, but cant remember where i read it,
also outdoors you have shade, different angles from the sun, so its not constantly getting full light, different parts of the plant are getting shade at different times of the day, so indoors we can make sure the whole plant is getting full light for the lights on period, again it dont compare to outdoors plus pots restrict growth due to root size etc etc, so theirs lots of factors in play, but outdoors the plant dont get 12-12 from day 1 of flower, they usually start flowering around 14 hour of light, so im wondering if i went with 14-10 till harvest or even 14-12, im just thinking longer growing hours will produce bigger buds, its something ill play around with after this grow,

i know some growers use deminishing light schedule but this goes past 12-12 so you end up with more dark than light so this would in theory make it reach harvest quicker and migh result in smaller buds, but im thinking of 14-10 for a few weeks then 13-11 and down to 12-12 for the last couple of weeks, theirs a lot to play around with so ill do some testing at some point, id like to try 14-10 first though and see if that prolongs flowering and gives bigger buds
You know what mate......this girl is going to revolutionise growing :thumb:. Gert was awesome and a REAL masterpiece but, when it comes to sheer YIELD......this little Git is going to be something else :Namaste:
Ahhhhh, patience is a virtue :) Respected and understood by all.........observed by but a few :) Here endeth the sermon lol :)
Spoken like Yoda mate....wise to the ways are you :) Sick of hearing how my sons mate veg's for 4 weeks, flowers ?, then crops, force dries and ends up with "pond weed". No flush (well, 2 days max) just for the sake of "quick weed"! Why bother ?
That's what a lot of ppl do mate and I mean a lot!
Large scale growers I think usually have lost the love or never had the love
(Cultivator is not included) lol all about a quick $$$£££
Us guys here or a lot of us have a closer conection. More hobbiests that enjoy the full process
That said lots of us have been tempted into early harvest before
I am one who has done that
That said lots of us have been tempted into early harvest before
I am one who has done that

I almost became one of those early harvesters, but thanks to the advice I received here and coming to terms with the reality that my ladies just weren't ready, I pushed back my harvest by at least 2 weeks and I am so glad I did. What I'm finding out is that while CFLs are a viable lighting option, one must take into account that it does take a little longer than the standard/typical grow schedule to get optimum results.
Yep even with the Gert fiasco leaving me buggered for good smoke and funds. I knew there would be real negatives to me flowering right away with this Flux. I want quantity and real good quality off this girl, so its all on her time frame really. Just crazy as I spent so much time early on stunting her as much as possible. Now I want a fast forward button!

I wonder how far u pushed your girl back in stunting. Like I wonder were it would be now if it had not been slowed
I've always said, right from the moment I decided to grow, that I want QUALITY and QUANTITY :) Being totally honest here, both are equally important to me. Hate smoking pond weed and want good quality Percy but also want to over costs and more "kit" for future grows.
Good point Alex......what do you reckon LA?
That's what a lot of ppl do mate and I mean a lot!
Large scale growers I think usually have lost the love or never had the love
(Cultivator is not included) lol all about a quick $$$£££
Us guys here or a lot of us have a closer conection. More hobbiests that enjoy the full process
That said lots of us have been tempted into early harvest before
I am one who has done that
But you gotta respect that side of growing Alex. Just like everything else in this world, there's an artistic & a business side. I know I'll get plenty of slack behind this but capitol does make the world go round...
But you gotta respect that side of growing Alex. Just like everything else in this world, there's an artistic & a business side. I know I'll get plenty of slack behind this but capitol does make the world go round...

Hi Sir Reg, how's life? To be honest, I doubt if anyone in the :420: community hasn't experienced the "business" side of our hobby. Surely the major motivation for growing your own is to grow better quality green than you can buy off the local Blow Monkey? No-one just wakes up one day and decides to "grow for the hell of it" . Better quality + better quantity = self sufficiency HAPPY HAZY DAZE :thumb:
Surely the major motivation for growing your own is to grow better quality green than you can buy off the local Blow Monkey?
My Blow Monkey is pretty damn good, that's why I've stuck with him so many years.
No-one just wakes up one day and decides to "grow for the hell of it"
In my situation that's basically what happened OZ. LOL
Hi Reg. No disrespect meant to your "man" mate. I'm sure Alex will agree with me when I say that around our "locale" for every one GOOD guy/gal there are dozens that will sell you shite .
Stretch isn't necessarily always a bad thing my friend ...

Unless you have space and height restrictions, then I feel for you !

Hate having stretch when you're actually trying to reduce it haha !

stretch is just the plant making room for big buds :)
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