Light Addicts Bigger Brighter Bad Ass Bonanza of Budmaster Raw GOD Power & More!

It great to hear things are on the up for you after all the disappointments over the last couple of years :thumb: Have you got an image of your T-Shirt design you can post and will they be available at Spannabis? All booked now and staying a couple of clicks down the road with a couple of friends... life is good :)
Am I allowed to ask on here what the etiquette is for obtaining 'samples' at Spannabis? I realise that smoking itself prohibited at the venue, but wondered what the 'actual' rules were from someone who's been before.... is there anything on sale within the venue at all? I don't particularly want to run the risk of smuggling anything through UK customs on the way over and I know you can legally acquire marijuana in Barcelona if you join a private cannabis club.... just wondering? :)
OK so a run down on weed @ Spannabis :)

So yeah smoking isn't aloud inside the venue! This lasts all of 2 mins! ;) were dabbing hitting bongs and smoking everywhere within 5 mins!
So buying it at the venue isn't possible. You either need the connections or to get yourself to one of the clubs. There will be a joining fee normally of 50-80 euro then you can buy all you want!
Personally, I didn't spend a dime last year and only ran dry once for one evening. It does help knowing certain folks :) my mate works at the lab testing all the samples so the end of each day he has lots of excess bud :)
Mainly though people just share their stuff, wether a cup winner or whatever people are happy to pass the smoke around! ;)
You get some edibles I'm sure and certainly have access to plenty canna beer! :) I was a little overawed in Spain last time as its bloody busy as hell ;)

Well folks if anybody still visits this thread lol, here's my girls :)
Well the property is nice... the house... not so much... I assume your talking about my garden shack that can be seen in my outdoor girls pics... I will admit the girl that stayed in it last year did an amazing job of making it livable... IMO it was not when she first started staying there and I'm sure she had to run more than one critter out of there but she has it kinda nice now... She has even landscaped the front of the shack and honesty... improved my property value immensly...:)....:circle-of-love:
Cheers my friends :)

Hell if you had asked me a few years back if I'd be doing all this lol, I'd never have believed it for a second! Yet this place and the people here have totally flipped my life's axis! In an awesome way! So yeah its certainly odd and to be honest feels a bit like being full of myself ?? Its just bloody strange having to promote yourself lol. I ain't anything really, just someone who fell in love with the growing! :) yet for some reason the folks in the industry welcomed me completely??
Oh well I'll just keep bumbling along and just see what happens, its all just a mad ride at the mo and one I don't want to end. Even though In know it surely will at some point. But for now, :) I'm making the bloody most out of it :)
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