Hey Lew. How's thing's buddy?
Guess what? The Chocolatina x Chocolatina is a female and is also showing polyploidy traits. It gets weirder though. 4 out of 7 of the current round are showing triploid and tetraploid mutations on some of the branches. Seems unlikely to have 4 in one grow but they are there. I was wondering if it was something I did but if you have one as well then that makes things interesting.
Hope you're well bud
Guess what? The Chocolatina x Chocolatina is a female and is also showing polyploidy traits. It gets weirder though. 4 out of 7 of the current round are showing triploid and tetraploid mutations on some of the branches. Seems unlikely to have 4 in one grow but they are there. I was wondering if it was something I did but if you have one as well then that makes things interesting.
Hope you're well bud