She healed herself. That’s what the ECS does when you have faith in the medicine you chose, one cell at a time. You certainly accelerated the timeline to health by introducing some potent and aggressive reserve troops by way of the CCO.
I know Mon Ami does a little jig out there in the universe every time we hear one of these success stories.
Cannabinoids and terpenes are potent cancer-killers individually. Toss them together in a regimen and watch the cells begin to sing harmonic tones.
We sometimes overlook the idea that CCO isn’t meant to be a forever regimen, although maintenance doses are suggested once your body finds its way back to being able to control cancer again.
It sounds to me like she stuck with it long enough for her own healing force to take over again. We are evolved to heal, and to do so continually. We are, in fact, wellness-producing machines, 24 hours a day.
We maintain
Cajun’s thread for cancer regimen conversations. The first two pages are filled with priceless info, but the real conversations are in the current pages. Feel free to allow us to help you find the way through any confusion you might feel going forward.
Cannabinoids signal healing. That’s what they do.