Okay honestly look let's get to the tree the coloring on the plants you know it's because of me!
I should have done what I was going to do waited to the Happy frog got here and then pop the seeds but instead I got into a hurry and use this dirt that I had.
I mean I really don't think that dirt's all too bad it's only on their little root ball anyways once I put them in their fucking 2 gallon buckets I think they'll be all right and I don't think it helped much when I gave him 3.5 ml across the board with everything that I had except the Epsom salt.
So give me a couple weeks and you'll see where I'm at I'm going to go up after dinner cuz I'm hungry as hell been a long day at work I'm tired as fuck I watered them last night I don't know if it'll be a good idea to transplant them now or wait till they need watering again because I'm going to have to water them when I transplant.. I hope everybody's doing good though I'm smoking me a good joint of some jealousy right now relaxing from a good day kind of hot outside today though real sweaty at the bus stop kind of made me feel bad.
But I'm about to cook this pizza have me my rest of my coffee go up and roll me some cigarettes I actually tube my own cigarettes!
Got a real nice machine I can tube up two packs of 20 minutes less than that actually.
I got tired of paying $8 for a pack of damn cigarettes when I can take that $8 buy a bag of this tobacco and get seven packs! It cost $13 for a pound bag in tobacco or $7 for the small bag plus tax $250 for tubes and you get 250 cigarette tubes.
But actually what I really need to do is quit freaking smoking except marijuana I'll never quit that I just love it it helps me when I tend to my garden it takes my mind away from everything smoking it helps me with my anxiety and I feel really shitty if I don't smoke and I ain't got nothing.
But anyways I hope everybody's having a good day and may your evening be blessed and green thumbs as hell!!