Let's Attempt A 1lb Grow!

I am so stoked about this nothing is ever came out this perfect humidity was perfect throughout the whole dry! I stayed well in the '50s! Temperature stayed out right around 70° 72 at the most! All that worrying throughout this whole grow and I worry for nothing but why not we got to worry and take care of our plants so we don't lose everything it's good to worry then to not me otherwise you'd be screwed. Once I go up and take care of broken ass I'm knocking down some of those big stems that I put in my jars trim them all up off the stem weigh it all out and see what I got
So burp them down to 62% over the next 17 days by my count, slower by Bill's method.
You got it brother I'll do as best as I can.. either way it goes I already got some killer ass meds and plenty of it and more right behind it!!!😁😁😁
Omg! My yield off Krissi alone is 256.38g!!!! Broken ass can dry another day She's still a little damp which is good! So you go add up those grams by God and this shit fucked me up sitting in there fucking popping all those buds off them stems sticky ass fuck!! What I added up is 9.1 oz each butter bow held an ounce!! I checked my calculations three times and re-weighed them three times! I squeezed on a few of broken asses buds never felt nothing like seed but does need a drive more I mean damn she is straight fucking skunk!! Like to get you high skunk all you got to do is smell it!!!😁😁😁



Don't do that. Burp it down slowly over 3 weeks.
Too late! Already went to bed before that message was answered.. psych it's all good brother this is where I'm at three of the jars The other two I left in the tent I forgot to get them out crunch for time to get to work. I have no clue why my alarm did not sound this morning. Supposed to be enough at 4:30 and here it is 7:00

I guess broken ass is taking her sweet time to dry I guess cuz I left all those leaves on her I'll jar her up tonight just the jar up and get her to quit hanging and just leave the tops off the jar but she's about ready her bud looks so totally different looks more airy and fluffy unlike Krissi her buds are really dense and thick and chunky as fuck
Good morning amigo. I say I came pretty close to my 1 lb goal. I have to see how many ounces I get off broken this probably not that much she's more fluffier and airier not going to weigh as much I have no clue why maybe because I broke her ass if I'd left her alone she'd been just like the other.. but anyways I most definitely get her in that jar tonight. Get that tent most of it cleaned up so I can get the other plants in there cuz I'm straight transplanting and straight budding out I will give them 3 days recover time from their transplant and that's it.
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