Let's Attempt A 1lb Grow!

I'd set it anywhere outside the tent and let it raise the whole room's RH. Better for you and drying the harvests!
I hope so cuz I know they're dry because I feel dry as fuck and it makes me itch and that's why I hate fucking winter time! I mean honestly really I'm sitting down here and watching Netflix on my laptop sitting on a chair in front of my space heater I feel dry as hell lotion don't even help. Winters are always really dry. Appreciate all your advice brother soon as my money hits if it's tomorrow while I'm home I'm ordering it having it brought to my house right then and there and my money hits farm at work I'm picking it up on the way home. I'm hoping my money and be honored tonight at midnight
So this is where everything settles at I guess they're pretty close and it says to add three to your reading so I'm guess I'm sitting at about 29% relative humidity in my room with about 71° temperatures perfect I just need to get the humidity in check

This next batch is going to go so well especially with your advice with the Vicks!! They are already so happy ready to go to their new home they're starting to grow vigorously!! And when I say their roots exploded they damn near wrapped the whole cups already! Ain't no telling what sheds Roots is looking like in that little container I guarantee you it's a good ball right now! Look at the double knots on his ass! Lmao He's going to bring me a good yield when I'm done Even if he is a small plant and not a big one I will be happy. Honestly big ones are so damn hard to tend to how long is it going to take me to trim all these damn leaves! Shesh!! They are getting full veg nutes. Speaking of nutes I need to order some more soon.


My light has a ambient light reader I've been using it to take readings with my grow lights That's how I know that they're actually getting even light in that tent. Underneath this 110 wat with it raised at full blast it goes to 55,000 lux at 12 in. Wow Right now since they are young clones and I got them sitting back until they transplant and go in that tent they're getting about 9,000 lux when I took the reading it said 20,000 and they was loving it...
Don't need no box or nothing already figured it out you'll see when I get ready to harvest just as soon as I get this damn vix and she will be drying in tent alongside the others. Lmao I do not know why I did not think of this sooner.. I knew there was a reason why I bought that damn thing and it's been sitting here empty the whole time! Lmao alot
It's big enough to fit in my tent and I can make it any size I want height or length! Plus it will block out all light. If I knew no smell would come out I would just keep it outside the tent and just have it hanging in my damn room

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You know the cooler I'm I'm growing broken ass in here's another one down here by where I sit I keep all my bud inside and my roaches and shit. Look what the humidity is in there I think I'm going to go ahead and cut me a branch and dry it out in here see how it does until that vaporizer comes just one small branch trim it up nice and neat. Lmao
So but with the company says you plus three it so I'm looking at 41% humidity it actually dropped a little bit when I pulled it out to take a picture so there's that test run time until I get my vaporizer or whatever the hell it's called but I know what to get and I'm waiting for that money to hit hopefully I'll wake up and it's on there and I will have that at the house tomorrow!!!!

There is one more thing I got to say Sour G is a pain in the ass with all of its damn leaves!! If you stay on top of that no problem I was really lazy on that I will not be like that on this next run I will manage it..
In my research sour g is taking om the Sour Diesel in that area because if you do not manage Sour diesels sporadic bushy ass growth so to speak it will become unmanageable
Still too low. Try to hit the mid 50% RH range. That will guarantee you never get them so dry they won't cure.
I guess it'll be that when I get the humidifier and I will be checking buds every well every less than that actually before I go to work as soon as I come home and even throughout the evening so they're definitely not going to have a chance of over dry. To be honest with you even with low humidity on last harvest and the ones before I've never overdrive marijuana
Whenever I feel the ready for jars is when I put them in with the hygrometer if it goes over 70 I take them out and let them dry a little more couple hours or so maybe three or four hours and then I put it back in a jar and see where it settles is how I always do it long as it stays 69 but never above 70 I start my cure
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