Let's Attempt A 1lb Grow!

I know y'all probably curious about the clones and shit I think Bill survived but I don't think regrowth is going to make it. Regrowth actually looks quite sad. But Shed on the other hand let's just say he is finally becoming. Yeah I said he even though she's female. Lmao pics soon on masterful shed....

Took clones of double O a week ago today they all healthy as a horse.
Clones... One of them has rooted... Also my double o's is doing spectacular. And of course Shed will be Shed...






I've never seen that much frost on any of mine so you're killing it in there!

:bravo:on this grow Mark.
Sugar frost brother sugar frost.. lmao Good morning Shed Hope all is well with you brother Cold as hell down here.

They going to need some feeding tonight Tell you what bro and there's nothing I can do about it so there's no sense in talking about towels and everything else because I have no room for none of that. My humidity here is only 13%! 😱 There isn't a damn thing I can do about it... But they seem to like it. So the next thing I am investing in is a good size humidifier for my room. The low humidity seems to not affect them only seems to build more trichomes on there.







No I do not think I will grow in a styrofoam container again. I think she's pretty much rootbound in that damn thing. I did top her off with more dirt so I think she'll be okay to harvest I just see a lot of her stigma's turning but I do believe it's just a normal grow process nothing to worry about. Time for some of them to start turning anyways. We are entering 5th week of flower
Just in case you want to add some humidity to you room even after reading about the low RH stress theory, cheapest way to do that is a Vick's vaporizer. Under $20 at almost every pharmacy, Target, Walmart, etc.

Puts out pure steam, so use it in your room and not the tent.
Thanks brother I'm going to try to pick one up tomorrow I saved up the hell of a load of tip money
Btw I didn't mean that the low RH idea didn't work (it might be a thing after all!), just that if you actually wanted to raise the humidity there are cheaper ways than humidifiers.

Higher RH is also better for you and the house. :)
I know bro I appreciate your advice.
Camilla is by far the smallest plant I ever butted out I cannot wait to see her miniature buds! Lmao hell I figure I'll probably get a half ounce to an ounce off of her she was pretty stout the last time I butted this strain out. And the potency was uncanny and when I say uncanny she's like Clementine and Judith I smoke the joint at 6:00 in the morning of Clementine or Judith and I was still high come my lunch break at noon I still felt the buzz
For our buzz no problem
I don't think you have RSV if you have a cough and a runny nose!

People infected with RSV usually show symptoms within 4 to 6 days after getting infected. Symptoms of RSV infection usually include:
  • Runny nose
  • Decrease in appetite
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Fever
  • Wheezing
Well I can honestly say one thing I have all those symptoms except decreasing appetite and modest a fever
I meant I eat I'm not decreasing an appetite I had a fever for one day and I worked through it but every now and then I feel warm and I took my temperature and it was only normal temperature. I really hate smartphones and being country cuz they won't understand me
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