Lem's 2015 Indoor/Outdoor/Anywhere It'll Grow Journal

Here's a little Update: The Hill and some of its buds:
This is the AUC that I didn't think was flowering:
The Cage and Buds:
Planter #1 and Buds:
Clones that were in waterfall:
I had to take them out of the water fall do to lake:
Planter#2 and Flowers:
Top Cola's:
Side branch on RKS:
Veg clones:
Veg Plants:
Side yard:
I think this is my favorite Stick-O-Bud:
Well that was short and to the point. Hope you like. TOAST
WOW!!! What a nice garden you have there Lem. :adore:

I loved this (.)(.) :high-five:
Hey Lem, can you do a tutorial on seeds in Rockwool???? Thank you Sir.
I suppose that sleeping out in the yard is good though. I keep waiting for the return of the thieving teen bastards. I hope they aren't a year wiser and know there is no point in stealing vegging plants - waiting for ripeness. With luck the little %$!s are in juvie and there is nothing to worry about.
RSOiler, I have never started a seed in a Rockwool in my life. I start all my seeds in Jiffy Pots:
with 1/3 Perlite, 1/3 Peat Moss, and 1/3 Soil of your choice. So you will have to hit up some one else for that answer. Kushtie, one thing I do know, if you take your PH down to 5 and let come back up naturally you get more nute intake and less lock out. Now the Astro Turf - for those who don't know Calif. is in a big drought. They fine you if your lawn is green. So the grass in my back yard was dead. My dog was going out and rolling in the dead grass and scattering it all over the house and pissin off my 96 year old mom, so I through that down so my mom would quit Bitching. PeeJay - I have two motion sensor camera's on the hill that are connected to two set's of two 500 watt halogen's, which are in turn connected too two Cadillac car horns. If there is any movement, like a cat, raccoon, bird, leaf falling, or a person. The lights come on, the horns blast, and the culprit get their picture taken, and right next at all times is a Sawed Off 12 Gauge loaded with Rock Salt. So I'm not to worried about the little thieving bastards this year.
That Stick-O-Bud is my favorite too. Mmmmmmmm. :laughtwo:
You already know how much I love all the xeric tricks you use in your dry climate, Lem. One of my favorite permaculture gurus (old gal who was using urbanite to line the mulched pathways in her garden in like 1975) has a patch of fake grass next to her patio. Her husband lusted after a patch of green... She put a grade in under the asto-turf so it drains toward her fruit trees. Brilliant!
Thank's PeeJay, My back yard is graded so the water flows to the back door of my garage, floods my garage and the runs down the drive way. Lots of fun.

What the heck Lem! I'm jumping in the truck right now. Lets berm that f*cker and send the water where it needs to go. Is there a tree that you want to bust? Let's give it some juice. I LOVE directing limited water where it needs to go.

Thanks for the reply Lem.
Kushtie, one thing I do know, if you take your PH down to 5 and let come back up naturally you get more nute intake and less lock out.

Thanks Lem. With proper NFT tanks with nutes and matting I start the pH low and let it drift up naturally but with seedlings and no nutes the pH took something like 3 days to go up by 0.1.

So far I've had 100% success germinating (and cloning) with rockwool in the wee tank but that's 100% of not very many as I'm still new to this. For me it seems to work better and involve less guess work than using a propagator where I was getting close to 0% success with clones and sometimes as low as 50% with seeds.
OFF TOPIC: So I was bored and went to look at Stupid Law You Don't Exist. Ready for this, in Lebanon it is legal for a man to have sex with his animals, as long as they are female's, and sex with male animal's is punishable by death. LMAO

I heard sometime ago that..... In california it's illegal to eat an orange whilst in the bath tub!
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