Lemon Kush Mini Experiment - My Attempt At A Canna-Bonsai

Got Lemon Kush and the clones moved into the tent.


LK really doesn't look very good .


She gets the exact same nutes as the clones... but I mixed a higher percent of perlite into her coco (nearly 50/50) . I wanted to try a hempy but it looked weird being just perlite so I did the mix. . I'm guessing that's part of my problem - treating this mix the same as coco? I think the extra perlite means she needs to be fed more often?


The bucket is 3 gallons, not 5 so I added the lighter for scale. Is she hungry, not getting enough of something? I'm tempted to toss her and start over but something tells me to keep going just a bit longer. She's an experiment and I don't think it'd be fair to myself to simply bail at the first sign of trouble.


Maybe to much bending?


This leaf is at the end of the most bent branch.
Checked runoff with this morning's feeding:

PPM in 1600; out 1790
pH in 5.8; out 5.7

But I don't really know what the numbers say or mean .
Checked runoff with this morning’s feeding:
PPM in 1600; out 1790
pH in 5.8; out 5.7
But I don’t really know what the numbers say or mean .

It means that you're feeding it too much unless your plain water is coming in at 1000 PPM! 1600 is really really high. I'm not even concerned that your runoff is 190 PPM higher at this point. I'd flush with plain water (until PPM out = PPM of water, don't bother with pH until the last gallon) and then start your nutes on your next watering much lower. In veg probably in the 500-600 range max.
It means that you're feeding it too much unless your plain water is coming in at 1000 PPM! 1600 is really really high. I'm not even concerned that your runoff is 190 PPM higher at this point. I'd flush with plain water (until PPM out = PPM of water, don't bother with pH until the last gallon) and then start your nutes on your next watering much lower. In veg probably in the 500-600 range max.
PPM was 80 before anything was added . So rather than starving her I'm severely over feeding? .
PPM was 80 before anything was added . So rather than starving her I'm severely over feeding? .

If your PPM meter is accurate then yes, severely! Somewhere on your nute website there might be a PPM recommendation for each stage of growth. If not, there's are different recommendations on the web. I found this which looks reasonable, though I hven't seen anyone go nearly that high at the end (1000 yes but not 1600!):

PPM levels chart:
Seedlings, Early Sprouts – 100 to 250
Early Veg’ Stage – 300 to 400
Full Vegetation Stage – 450 to 700
Early Blooming Stage – 750 to 950
Full Mature Bloom/Ripening Stage – 1000 to 1600

Keep in mind this is nute numbers. Your water is not included. My water is around 200 in the winter so when I want to hit 900 I have to feed with 1100).
If your PPM meter is accurate then yes, severely! Somewhere on your nute website there might be a PPM recommendation for each stage of growth. If not, there's are different recommendations on the web. I found this which looks reasonable, though I hven't seen anyone go nearly that high at the end (1000 yes but not 1600!):

PPM levels chart:
Seedlings, Early Sprouts — 100 to 250
Early Veg' Stage — 300 to 400
Full Vegetation Stage — 450 to 700
Early Blooming Stage — 750 to 950
Full Mature Bloom/Ripening Stage — 1000 to 1600

Keep in mind this is nute numbers. Your water is not included. My water is around 200 in the winter so when I want to hit 900 I have to feed with 1100).
Holy mackerel!! Idk what's going on but I was sure we were measuring the nutes at half strength. I'm going to try to calibrate my meter.... and double check with hubby as he's the one mixing the nutes . He did tell me he added extra cal mag on that batch.... would that make the PPM that much higher?
Yea I would flush flush flush

Make sure your reading ppm(e.c.x700) instead of tds(e.c.x500)

Calibrate your meter if it's been a bit for sure

And go back down to a much lower ppm

This is a decent guideline
This is my custom schedule n I'm learnin I could probably go even lower nutes, maybe 2/3rds strength of what I already cut down from the recommendations from the bottle

Yea I would flush flush flush
Make sure your reading ppm(e.c.x700) instead of tds(e.c.x500)
Calibrate your meter if it's been a bit for sure
And go back down to a much lower ppm This is a decent guideline

Har! You quoted my first journal!!!!

I should mention that that was an auto flower schedule but still. Bign and I both say flush (water out PPM = water in PPM) and go back to lower nutes with the next regularly scheduled watering.
Har! You quoted my first journal!!!!

I should mention that that was an auto flower schedule but still. Bign and I both say flush (water out PPM = water in PPM) and go back to lower nutes with the next regularly scheduled watering.

I still think those numbers are suitable for any photo grow tho, obviously adjusting to strain specific needs tho!

Lol your awesome ITS . .
Oh goodness, I think I was on 500. Will need to check again .
Thank you so much for the info, I saved the pics. ..
OK.... I have plain water runoff numbers!! They are big .

These are the numbers going in:

pH 6.1
PPM 500 setting: 30
PPM 700 setting: 40
EC setting: 0.1

Numbers coming out/runoff:

pH: 6.3
PPM 500 setting: 706
PPM 700 setting: 1060
EC setting: 1.5

I'm going to try to pick up some calibrating solution. I'll flush again tonight and get new numbers.

I'm using the GH trio plus cal mag (because I'm growing in coco). The chart on the bottles says 1 tsp/gal for veg. I started with less but am up to this now. I took measurements as I added, first is the 500 setting I originally used:

Tap water 50
+Cal mag 610
+Micro 1000
+Gro 1020
+Bloom 1370

700 setting:
Tap water 60
+Cal mag 890
+Micro 1410
+Gro 1460

So either there's something wrong with my meter or I am very confused. The measurements get higher farther into growth/bloom and the numbers will be higher.

Should I be using the 500 or 700 setting?

Use 700 for ppm if that's what you want to measure by. E.c. is also good because it's more universal

I use the flora trio too

Get your meter calibrated, but reference the base nute numbers on the schedule I posted and go off that. Without additives you'll probably be in the right e.c. range, though I adjust based on the plants needs.

You still need to flush lol
Found this:

What PPM scale is your nutrient formula referring to?

Manufacturer Scale
Advanced Nutrients 700 scale
Botanicare 700 scale
CES/Cutting Edge Solutions 500 scale
Dutch Master 500 scale
Dyna-Gro 500 scale
FoxFarm 700 scale using dechlorinated tap water
General Hydroponics 500 scale using reverse osmosis water
General Organics 500 scale using reverse osmosis water
House & Garden 700 scale
Humboldt Nutrients 500 scale
Hydro Organics/Earth Juice 500 scale
Nectar for the Gods 700 scale
Rock Nutrients 700 scale
Roots Organics 500 scale
Rx Green Solutions 500 scale using distilled water
Soul 500 scale
Technaflora 500 scale

and this which makes things clearer since your meter reads in actual ECS:

I'm pretty sure we all are using the 500 scale here in the US, which puts your runoff at 760 PPM, really high!

Keep flushing until you're close to 100 PPM runoff (based on the 30 PPM water).
Once that's outta the way you have a blank canvas again, waaay easier to move forward with a sound plan meow :3

Good luck!
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