Lemon Kush Mini Experiment - My Attempt At A Canna-Bonsai

The leaves still look a bit mottled but much improved over earlier pics!
I'll try to get a pic I natural light this weekend. She does look much better but I'm still struggling with high numbers in the runoff. There was a bit of miscommunication and hubby (who prepares the water/nutes) put her back on a feed-water-feed-water schedule. This works well for the clones but this delicate one can't handle it. We're also watching for signs of pistil growth. Hubby says he sees some while I suspect a ball . Too soon to be sure. .
Pulled her out for natural light pics. Her PPM out was 140 with plain water so that's good but I wonder if she needs more cal mag?
Also.... are those balls or am I paranoid? ..

Those are wierd lol I can see what looks like a calyx forming but that pics got me all messed up XD
20 in and 660 out is not good. 680 in and 520 out is good! Go to half strength and see what you get.
680 is half so I think I'll stick with that for now.
I keep thinking I see balls but then they open up. The waiting.... ugh! Almost as bad as when I was waiting for my son to be born.... except that I'm not carrying a 9lb baby!! .
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