Lemon Haze In Coco - 12/12 From Seed - First Journal

As for the co2 boxes im glad i found these guys, i do grow some mushrooms myself and they sell sterilised substrate bags like the one inside the box ready to be injected with spores of your choosing, could save a ton of work.


Oh it's not really a lot of work. Most of the time is just waiting for the jars of oats to be sterilized in the pressure cooker and then waiting for them to cool before inoculating.

I notice these CO2 boxes come in 2 styles: Grow and Bloom. Grow uses Reishi mushrooms and Bloom uses oyster mushrooms. I would caution anyone using the Bloom boxes that there are health risks of inhaling oyster mushroom spores. Well there are risks with any type of spores but oysters are extremely prolific in their release of spores and it is quite common for people to develop allergies after growing oysters indoors or in enclosed spaces. I just want to put that out there so people can proceed with caution when/if using the Bloom boxes.
Oh it's not really a lot of work. Most of the time is just waiting for the jars of oats to be sterilized in the pressure cooker and then waiting for them to cool before inoculating.

I notice these CO2 boxes come in 2 styles: Grow and Bloom. Grow uses Reishi mushrooms and Bloom uses oyster mushrooms. I would caution anyone using the Bloom boxes that there are health risks of inhaling oyster mushroom spores. Well there are risks with any type of spores but oysters are extremely prolific in their release of spores and it is quite common for people to develop allergies after growing oysters indoors or in enclosed spaces. I just want to put that out there so people can proceed with caution when/if using the Bloom boxes.
Yes i failed my first attempts at self inoculation, something wasnt sterilised properly be it the jars or another instrument used. But i will be testing one of there sterilized boxes just to see whats up with them so stay peeled if your interested.
Hi there!

Nice grow journal. I'll churn around if you don't mind ^^ Nice healthy plants! I see that we are both using 12/12 from seed ^^ Come visit !
Unfortunately its not a true 12/12 from seed anymore. I made a few mistakes at the start and then had to leave for a few days and leave plants with someone with no knowledge and didnt want to come back to any surprises.
So sorry to mislead like that i will look at updating the journal title when next on the computer and i will come check out your journal :)

Happy growing
Quick poor quality pic for ya guys, sorry didnt have a lot of time when i got home today but the girls are filling out nicely.
Please do let me know what you think!

Happy growing guys
Hey plants are looking good. Hope this info helps with your coco grow.

Coco hydro organic - Easy & cheap - Water daily
This is what I'm planning for my next grow. Organic coco using dr earth dry fertilizer from home depot.

The is a quote from ledrf.
1. Coco holds 30% oxygen when fully saturated.
2. If you let coco dry out, you will get lower yields and most likely nutrient issues because when the coco dries out, it leaves dry spots, where the roots dry up and die. That causes issues.
3. When you water every day or twice a day or ever three times a day, you are replacing all the oxygen the plant used up, thus letting it grow faster. You are also replacing any nutrients the plant used up with fresh nutrients. This is why I water every day with nutrients.
4. You get hydroponic results. Fast growth. Bigger yields.

How to water Marijuana growing in coco - YouTube

This thread has great info if you haven't seen it. I dont use the same nutes but I make it work for me.
How I grow in coco Youtube videos and pics

You got this! Subbed
Hey plants are looking good. Hope this info helps with your coco grow.

Coco hydro organic - Easy & cheap - Water daily
This is what I'm planning for my next grow. Organic coco using dr earth dry fertilizer from home depot.

The is a quote from ledrf.
1. Coco holds 30% oxygen when fully saturated.
2. If you let coco dry out, you will get lower yields and most likely nutrient issues because when the coco dries out, it leaves dry spots, where the roots dry up and die. That causes issues.
3. When you water every day or twice a day or ever three times a day, you are replacing all the oxygen the plant used up, thus letting it grow faster. You are also replacing any nutrients the plant used up with fresh nutrients. This is why I water every day with nutrients.
4. You get hydroponic results. Fast growth. Bigger yields.

How to water Marijuana growing in coco - YouTube

This thread has great info if you haven't seen it. I dont use the same nutes but I make it work for me.
How I grow in coco Youtube videos and pics

You got this! Subbed
Thanks a bunch for that info! I'll let you know how the girls respond hehe.

So its stating that saturated coco will still hold 30% oxygen, so when adding perlite to the mix would you expect this to raise or lower that figure?

Happy growing guys
So the daily watering cycle is being implemented, will need to wait a couple days to see a fair representation of how much they are drinking daily.
But the nutes are half dose now, i didnt want to shock the plants to start with feeding per L:
1ml bio grow
1.5ml bio bloom
1ml topmax (every other day)
1ml cal mag (every other day)
Ph to 5.8

Day temp 21 degrees c
Night temp 17 degrees c
I have a small tube heater on the way though as things are starting to get colder here now.
rH pretty constant at 50%

I did do some minor defol today just clearing any old fan leaves blocking bud sites, will do another run through in a few days just to tidy up. But i was watching some YouTube vids about defol and one said to trim any fan leaves with red/purple petioles (is that the correct term?) but failed to go into why you might only trim these leaves. Can anyone shed any light?

They are still stretching this is day 10 since they started showing hairs.

Some pics:

Group shot

Close up

Cheers guys
I did do some minor defol today just clearing any old fan leaves blocking bud sites, will do another run through in a few days just to tidy up. But i was watching some YouTube vids about defol and one said to trim any fan leaves with red/purple petioles (is that the correct term?) but failed to go into why you might only trim these leaves. Can anyone shed any light?

I have never heard this before and for the life of me I can't imagine why it would be done.

The ladies are looking good! :cheertwo:
I agree with Fuzz 100%. The girls look healthy. The purple color of petioles is caused, and I'm not sure, by light hitting it. I do not see any reason to remove more that those leaves that you cannot bend or tuck and shading buds. But hey that's just my view on the matter. Keep it green man! :thumb: :Love: :Namaste:
I agree with Fuzz 100%. The girls look healthy. The purple color of petioles is caused, and I'm not sure, by light hitting it. I do not see any reason to remove more that those leaves that you cannot bend or tuck and shading buds. But hey that's just my view on the matter. Keep it green man! :thumb: :Love: :Namaste:
Thanks for your thoughts guys. I was just interested if there was any logical thinking behind it. Thats all i have been doing at the moment, any that block bud sites just been trying to open the plants up really.

Cheers guys
Another quick update guys an gals.
Plants where being flushed a little since 24/10 went back on food yesterday 27/10
There was just some downward curl on some leaf tips and plants were very green but they seem much happier now.
Plants drink about 2/3 of a litre each per day so i can fill my 2L can up and get them all watered with.

1ml biogrow
1.5ml biobloom
1ml topmax
1ml calmag

Its week 3 of flower now the feeding is from switch to 12/12 so its two weeks ahead which should leave me a nice flush period at the end.
Im starting to think whether it may be worth
Im thinking whether it may be worth getting some boosters (pottasium and phosphorus to aid flowering) can anyone recommend any good organic ones they have experience with?
Im looking in my local shops catalogue and they have guanokalong bat guano powder anyone used this?

Couple photos anyway these were taken under normal light rather than the led to give you an idea of true colour.


Close up to see bud formation

Cheers people
So started on week 6 nutes now, and decided to go back to full strength for a bit.
What i thought was too much nitrogen could actually be to little phosphorus from what i have been reading. Dark leaves with a blue tint and some light tips coming through. So hopefully this boost in phosphorus should do some good.
Run off ph was a little high at 6.5 so will do the next few waterings at ph 5 to try bring this down.
Other than that all is well have just been removing the odd lower budsites that pop through that wont recieve any light.
Light is at 15" above tops now.

Cheers guys love to hear any comments
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