Lemon Grass Grown In Earthbox 4x4 Adv Grow Tent


Well-Known Member
What strain is it? Humboldt seed company Lemon Grass

Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Indica
What percentages?70/30 Indica
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Veg
If in Veg... For how long? Day 33
If in Flower stage... For how long?
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
If indoor...Dimensions (L x W x D) of grow space? 4x4
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If soil... what is in your mix? Purple cow organics indicanja
If soil... What size pot? Earthbox standard
Size of light? 400w
Is it aircooled? Not sure
Temp of Room/cab?70 F
RH of Room/cab? 61%
PH of media or res? Working on that
Any Pests ? Not yet
How often are you watering?about every other day so far
Type and strength of ferts used? Used the fertilizer that came with the earthbox i got some cal mag some build a soil craft blend ive been spraying foop on her as a foliar got some compost tea coming


What strain is it? Humboldt seed company Lemon Grass

Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? Indica
What percentages?70/30 Indica
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Veg
If in Veg... For how long? Day 33
If in Flower stage... For how long?
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
If indoor...Dimensions (L x W x D) of grow space? 4x4
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If soil... what is in your mix? Purple cow organics indicanja
If soil... What size pot? Earthbox standard
Size of light? 400w
Is it aircooled? Not sure
Temp of Room/cab?70 F
RH of Room/cab? 61%
PH of media or res? Working on that
Any Pests ? Not yet
How often are you watering?about every other day so far
Type and strength of ferts used? Used the fertilizer that came with the earthbox i got some cal mag some build a soil craft blend ive been spraying foop on her as a foliar got some compost tea coming


Good luck, I'm in if you follow mine.
Hello all!
First day since transplant that she’s perking up been a sad sight i sprayed some Foop foliar spray on her maybe that helped im thinking of a nice long veg like last grow any advice on topping? Want her to fully aclimate to her new home before i top her
Good morning All!

Acinfinity had scheduled maint andi look to find the lights off:oops: which they shouldnt be i got some ties on the lower branches to help spread them out some now it looks like she’s finding her stride roots popping up all under the cover…how do you all think she looks? i want a big plant where should i snip her?
Im partial to quadlining, link in my sig.

Basically for a seedling, top above node 4, remove nodes 1 and two and train the remaining four branches out to the pot edges.
Hey Az thanks for responding! Ive been researching all over i let her get too big its so much at the bottom can you mark on my image where/what to cut
Hard to see from that photo, but looks like you have 8 node pairs maybe?

Have a look at the first page of the quadlining thread and compare your plant to them. I'll bet you could get a big enough top to clone it if you're so inclined.

The lowest node often produces single finger leaved nodes, the second produces three finger leaved nodes and the third node begins the more normal 5 fingered leaves, so that's why the bottom two nodes (both sides) get cut.
Hard to see from that photo, but looks like you have 8 node pairs maybe?

Have a look at the first page of the quadlining thread and compare your plant to them. I'll bet you could get a big enough top to clone it if you're so inclined.

The lowest node often produces single finger leaved nodes, the second produces three finger leaved nodes and the third node begins the more normal 5 fingered leaves, so that's why the bottom two nodes (both sides) get cut.
I looked and i took more pics
Take off the bottom two nodes since those will grow too close to the soil anyway and we'll have a better idea of what you're working with. Those look long enough to clone so maybe be prepared for that if cloning is something you want to do.
Take off the bottom two nodes since those will grow too close to the soil anyway and we'll have a better idea of what you're working with. Those look long enough to clone so maybe be prepared for that if cloning is something you want to do.
I dont have the space for cloning and this is the first bean out of a 10 pk i was thinking about sticking the top in a fabric pot i have and sticking it in the back of the tent somewhere not sure tho want the sip plant to grow huge i cleaned up the bottom some
Good morning All!

Acinfinity had scheduled maint andi look to find the lights off:oops: which they shouldnt be i got some ties on the lower branches to help spread them out some now it looks like she’s finding her stride roots popping up all under the cover…how do you all think she looks? i want a big plant where should i snip her?
I noticed that I was unable to get onto the platform around midnight PST, I assume that is because of maintenance, end of the moth type stuff. which reminds me HAPPY AUG. EVERYONE!!!!! :morenutes: :420:
I noticed that I was unable to get onto the platform around midnight PST, I assume that is because of maintenance, end of the moth type stuff. which reminds me HAPPY AUG. EVERYONE!!!!! :morenutes: :420:
Hey KB! This makes two nights in a row! Last night and the night before! i checked the tent before bed and the heater was on high the tent was in the 90’s :thedoubletake: it definitely wasnt this much scheduled maintenance my last run! Yeah im definitely trying to top her i did alot of training in my last grow… Thanks for stopping by!
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