What a legal Mess! I panicked and gave away 25 plants, most 3 feet high. The dispensary guy's eyes fell out... LOL Wish I could have gotten Something as a freebie, a cookie or two. Nope $65 1/8. ouch Now I need to cover my ass before I get over 6 plants again. Cursed laws, or in some cases lack of them. My doc rec was only for the 12/6 plants. I wish I'd said something then. I asked for another meeting with him, just not saying why. I think he'll be OK but the place he works for not. Robbery! They refuse to contact him, do the unlimited visits for a year, and even say they have no such doc. Glad I had his cell. If desperate enough, I get plenty of offers to hook up with so and so who gives 99 plant recs. That is irritating to have docs doing this and how much cash they'd demand. I guess covering my ass is worth the cash.
I've been all over the place with the law as I ask various people what they do. One friend said in reality, if I'm under12/6 I won't get arrested. Anything under 99 and I won't get convicted.... like someone already said above. WHat does that actually mean? The fellow saying this was arrested with 150 plants and fought back for 6 years, and won. He's the one and only winner I've met in my area. Of course he was broke and all the confiscated equip was not returned. Is this about what you folks are hearing? Has anyone been raided while under that 12/6 amount? What happens?
I think I'll stick with the 12//6 until this is ironed out. :-( Mites cleaned me out anyway. Screw perpetual grow, I'm going to all or none. Making the MJ allowance should be by the square foot, not plant. Maybe in another decade all this will be irrelevant.
Thank you so much for all your input and stories.
OT Hijack my own thread
Does anyone mind sharing the county they're in? Some of those
guidelines are new to me. I really like that shed! I'm buying a house soon and want to build a greenhouse and a separate enclosed secure room with heat and cool. Doors are so easy to break through with bolt snips. Anyone have a suggestion for security? Sheds don't have dead bolts. I was wondering it a metal bar horse stall with bolts or electric locks would deter the most determined. Outside growing, not sure what to do. How do you heat and cool? Has anyone tried a greenhouse covered in netting, bug fabric, or shade cloth? I'm tired of caterpillars, aphids, and baking heat. Has anyone tried putting a pond in a greenhouse for frogs? They worked well in a small garden. How about a outdoor hydro set up? I was thinking of a fish and frog pond with the plants in mesh pots floating on tethers, or something a bit nicer. I'd have 02 making water plants, heavy filtration, and added air. I thought of all of this while trying to sleep the past 3 nights. i have all sorts of ideas for fish and/or frog ponds, indoors and out. 6 frogs kept 250sq foot garden bug free when I lived in a more moderate climate.
argh! 0230 again, 4 sleepless nights of my brain not turning off, like a hamster in a wheel. I vaped a g of GDR and it woke me up more!?!?!?
Seriously, I'd love to hear outdoor or shed/ greenhouse plans that work in this CA baking climate. Air buds are frustrating! If you have some favorite greenhouse or shed manufacturers or builders for NorCal, LMK. I want to do this right the first time and spend years fixing a jury rigged mess.
Dangit, this is like a Sativa. GDP is off the list. G'night