LED Loft Grow #1 Haze Kush Glue

Lone stoner

Well-Known Member
Hi there! This is my first grow.

1x1x1.8m tent
Marshydro tsw2000
Rhino hobby cf
4" exhaust fan
Clip on fan

Canna seed mix
Biobizz all mix
Advanced nutrients

Hi, I started my first grow about 2 weeks ago. 2x liberty haze, 2x critical kush, 2x gorilla glue.

All seeds germinated without any issues, other than 1 of the gg didn't shed its husk and needed a little help. She seems a bit stunted in comparison to the others but other than that she seems fine
After 2 weeks under a led bulb in a propagator, I have now move them into the tent. Since then I've been struggling trying to maintain rh managing to increase it to about 44% with saucers of water and a wet t-shirt hung up, from about 34%. I acquired a humidifier last night and plan to install in the tent tonight. Hopefully that'll make it a little easier. They were fed yesterday after being fed 5 days previous. Generally they all seem happy and healthy. Hopefully that continues. Any thoughts, tips or tricks are most appreciated.
Atm they in canna seed mix. Will be repotting in a week or so. I'm unsure whether to repot in 1l pots with canna seed mix before they go into their final 22l fabric pots with biobizz all mix. Or whether to go straight into the biobizz. I'm a little worried it might burn them. Thanks

Hi there! This is my first grow.

1x1x1.8m tent
Marshydro tsw2000
Rhino hobby cf
4" exhaust fan
Clip on fan

Canna seed mix
Biobizz all mix
Advanced nutrients

Hi, I started my first grow about 2 weeks ago. 2x liberty haze, 2x critical kush, 2x gorilla glue.

All seeds germinated without any issues, other than 1 of the gg didn't shed its husk and needed a little help. She seems a bit stunted in comparison to the others but other than that she seems fine
After 2 weeks under a led bulb in a propagator, I have now move them into the tent. Since then I've been struggling trying to maintain rh managing to increase it to about 44% with saucers of water and a wet t-shirt hung up, from about 34%. I acquired a humidifier last night and plan to install in the tent tonight. Hopefully that'll make it a little easier. They were fed yesterday after being fed 5 days previous. Generally they all seem happy and healthy. Hopefully that continues. Any thoughts, tips or tricks are most appreciated.
Atm they in canna seed mix. Will be repotting in a week or so. I'm unsure whether to repot in 1l pots with canna seed mix before they go into their final 22l fabric pots with biobizz all mix. Or whether to go straight into the biobizz. I'm a little worried it might burn them. Thanks

Welcome to 420magazine my friend. :welcome: Hope you are well.
Great garden so far.
Your babies look a little hungry. Need some mild nutrients.
I'd go with smaller one pots first, build a root ball then uppot.
Happy growing.
Just got home and my temp is 30c rh is 30. I've put the humidifier in, just on low for now. My clip on fan is now directed at the the light drivers ( in the hope it takes the temp down a little). I think I have the option to remove and place the lights drivers outside the tent. Do people do that with the mh tsw2000? And should I have the exhaust fan on to remove the warm air? I was told I wouldn't need it until flower, now I'm not so sure I really appreciate any and all the input guys. Not sure if im fussing over them too much or if my concerns are real? Hahaha Thanks people
Just got home and my temp is 30c rh is 30. I've put the humidifier in, just on low for now. My clip on fan is now directed at the the light drivers ( in the hope it takes the temp down a little). I think I have the option to remove and place the lights drivers outside the tent. Do people do that with the mh tsw2000? And should I have the exhaust fan on to remove the warm air? I was told I wouldn't need it until flower, now I'm not so sure I really appreciate any and all the input guys. Not sure if im fussing over them too much or if my concerns are real? Hahaha Thanks people
If you turn your heat down your RH should go up. Always does for me. 24 degrees gets me 45-50% RH. When the heat is 18 degrees in my tent the RH is typically 55-60%. Don’t know if this only happens to me......? But maybe try that.
Hi Bill! Out of interest, How can you tell they're hungry? Trying to learn the visual signs
Hello @Lone stoner visually they are lighter green in color. Healthy leaves are a nice dark green.
Some mild nutrients with nitrogen will green them up.
Is that coco they are in?
You will need a calmag supplement also if it is.
And I mix in at least 20% perlite in my coco,I don't see any. If it is.
Anything you need at all im always around.
Hello @Lone stoner visually they are lighter green in color. Healthy leaves are a nice dark green.
Some mild nutrients with nitrogen will green them up.
Is that coco they are in?
You will need a calmag supplement also if it is.
And I mix in at least 20% perlite in my coco,I don't see any. If it is.
Anything you need at all im always around.
Thanks Bill. No they're in canna seed mix soil. I did wonder if they were a bit light in colour. Cheers man!
Cheers man. Still trying to find my way. Getting there. Out of interest. In seedling stage, what do you have your dimmer set to and how high?
First week on 25 above soil and slowly turnt it up by second week I was on 50 and 4th week was at 75 went to 100 in flower bud if helps
If you turn your heat down your RH should go up. Always does for me. 24 degrees gets me 45-50% RH. When the heat is 18 degrees in my tent the RH is typically 55-60%. Don’t know if this only happens to me......? But maybe try that.
RH is just that it's relative to the airass. Warm air can hold more water vapor. If the water vapor in the air is constant when the temp rises rh fall. When the temp falls RH rises. A more accurate measure of humidity is dewpoint. A dewpoint in mid 50s is perfect for cannabis. For example a temp of 75 rh42% dewpoint is 50. Temp of 85 rh 30% dewpoint is 50. Seedlings like a dewpoint high 50s in late flower low 50s
Just got home and my temp is 30c rh is 30. I've put the humidifier in, just on low for now. My clip on fan is now directed at the the light drivers ( in the hope it takes the temp down a little). I think I have the option to remove and place the lights drivers outside the tent. Do people do that with the mh tsw2000? And should I have the exhaust fan on to remove the warm air? I was told I wouldn't need it until flower, now I'm not so sure I really appreciate any and all the input guys. Not sure if im fussing over them too much or if my concerns are real? Hahaha Thanks people

Hi Lone stoner, those temps of 30° c are just fine because you are growing with Leds, Leds unlike HID lamps dont emit IR radiation in the form of radiant heat so your ambient temps need to be higher than you would normally have for say an hps lamp which is why Led manufacturers like Black dog always recommend people to run their grow tents hotter when using Leds.
Also you need to constantly exchange the air in your grow tent irrespective of whether the plants are in veg or flower or they wouldnt grow, would you survive without a constant supply of fresh air?, well your plants are the same, I run my exhaust fan on a timer 15minutes on 15 minutes off when the lights are on, some people run their fans constantly when the lights are on but you dont need to. Good idea with the humidifier by the way.
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