Leaves Yellow Faster Under LED's

The plants are short and compact which is a sign that, at some point, they got good light and/or that they received a lot of blue photons.

What are you using to measure your light output?

Just by eyeball, I'd say that the hang height has got to be at least 36". Even a 1k watt LED doesn't put out a lot of light at 36".

Re. yellowing and LED's - it's not an issue of the lights. There are lots of LED's in use for all sorts of agriculture all around the globe. If you're running into issues, you might post some photos, nute info, light (model, hang height, dimmer setting, and schedule) nutrients, watering practices, etc. so that folks can help diagnose the issue. It's frustrating to have a grow go sideways but there's lots of help here.
If I had hung those lights at 36" the plants would have been completely fried even quicker than they were, those are Kingbrite Lm301h quantum boards 3000k and they were hung as high as they could be in the tent and I didnt even have them on full power, only in half.
I normally use BioBizz allmix for my grows and I don't begin fertilizing until a week after they begin flowering and I use biological nutes like bat guano and worm castings, etc.
I guess I just haven't got the knack of flowering with led's, have seen some fantastic grows on this forum using led's just can't figure out why they arent facing the same issues thats all, its a head scratcher for sure 😵‍💫, anyway happy with my Hps, I know where I am with them and they still bring results, sometimes I add a blurple led next to them which definitely improves the yield.
You're not giving your plants very much light. If the photo that you posted is the actual grow tent, it's dark in there.

Here's a picture of my current grow. Compare the brightness in the tent in this photo to the one you posted.

I'd love to get the specs on your light and your set up - the actual board and the measured hang height - because, based on what you've posted (the info about the board and the picture of a dark grow tent) it's a tribute to cannabis that it will grow so well with so little light.

The whole point of using a grow tent with reflective walls as opposed to having your plants in the middle of an open room is that a grow tent prevents your photons of light from escaping and dissipating as they would do in an open room meaning the light is trapped in your tent and just bouncing around off the walls like crazy which in effect allows you to hang your lights higher.
The tent might look dark to you but trust me it wasn't. And if I had hung the lights any lower like you suggested they would have fried even faster and no, NOTHING to do with any "negligence" on the part of the grower as I have been growing probably before you were even out of your diapers.
i'm leaning toward this being the issue more than anything

as noted it's a kitten brand. i would not count on the components being legit. ali baba is mostly known for fakes and knockoffs. i would have to seriously check that board to determine whether or not it was fugazi.

every fake claims to use lm's. and that's not even taking into account the drivers and other components.
If you do a quick search on this forum or indeed other cannabis forums you will see examples of fantastic grows using this very same quantum board, nothing wrong with them.
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