Leaf problems mid flower

Not to grave dig my own thread now, I meant to come back earlier and respond and tell everyone thank you.

I ended up taking everyone's advice, I think the end issue was root rot. The plant was treated with h202 and it completely stopped the symptoms immediately the next day thankfully.

Even if the exact issue wasn't root rot, though I checked the bottom soil and it had a stench. Regardless of what exactly it was, maybe if someone has a similar issue h202 drench would work for them.
ditto on HappyHazmat, keep her going, after she finishes up a rough wet trim will knock all the fugly stuff off.

other part is calcium tends to sink… but you’ve got water wicking upwards up from below with the ac Infinity self watering bases… might help to dump the water / let the res go dry and just do top water sessions til the end.

all things considered she’s really not bad at all- just a little crispy on the edges
Yeah I'm pretty sure it ended up being root rot or definitely something afoot in the root zone. I removed the self watering base from this plant specifically and gave it a h202 drench and she perked up the very next morning. So I'm very happy, thankful for everyone here.
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