Leaf problem


Well-Known Member
Don't know what is causing this but thinking it's light burn. Using the hydro 8 bar led. Thanks

no it's not light burn.

at the least pic of the whole plant would be appropriate. a single leaf doesn't tell us anything as it could be very limited damage.

give us the rest of the details. you've included so little information any advice is just a dart toss at this point.

read through this : How to Ask for Grow Support
what are you feeding ?
what feed schedule are you following ?
at what levels ?
are they autos or photos ?
what strain are they ?
are they all the same strain ?
what is your rh and temps ?
how large is the containers ?
are you following ph rules and which ph rules are you following ?
did you flip them yet and if not why not ?

it's definitely a nute issue or possible root issue. can't take a real guess with what you've posted so far.

i absolutely hate having to drag relevant info out of folk asking for help when they post so little of what is needed.
Well even though I didn't get the answer I'm going with cal/mag even though the nutrients I'm using is made for coco. Just going to use about 30ml for 2 weeks.

it's interveinal so it could be. if nothing else its a decent place to start. there are other possibilities but we'd need to have more info on the grow. it's pretty steep to be calmag alone.
Well even though I didn't get the answer
I figure that people were waiting for info based on the questions @bluter asked in msg #5.

I'm going with cal/mag even though the nutrients I'm using is made for coco.
For the most part the fertilizers for growing in coco or other hydro methods should work in other gardening medium.

In the photos the leaves are droopy looking. Has that gone away yet?
Hey @Tricomedome ,

here's your leaf...

here's an example of boron deficiency from Dutch Passion...

I'm guessing boron because of the regularity of the pattern of interveinal chlorosis, rather than simply calcium.

Boron deficiency is uncommon, but I see also that your plants have a wilting look, which is also attributed to lack of boron. It sounds like maybe you are growing in coco, so that may explain the lack of boron, because trace amounts of boron are all that's needed, and they are found in most soils containing composted organic material.

From Royal Queen Seeds, "Boron deficiencies usually occur when a plant is underwatered or subjected to low humidity. Boron deficiencies can mimic calcium deficiencies as both elements rely on each other to maintain overall plant health."

Good sources for Boron... kelp meal, worm castings.

Wow, really great response to my question. So I'm thinking calmag should have the boron I need mixed in the calmag already. Right? Yeah it is in coco.

no. all it has is calcium, magnesium, and nitrogen. if it is boron deficient it has to be fixed through your regular nutes. boron and calcium can interfere with each other.

honestly don't think it's the base issue but there's not enough info to go on. try the calmag and monitor close. in coco it should improve within 2 days, coco reacts fast. if no change or worse you'll have to fish for another solution.
Wow, really great response to my question. So I'm thinking calmag should have the boron I need mixed in the calmag already. Right? Yeah it is in coco.
What are you feeding them, how much, and how often?
Please be sure to follow the correct mixing order, you always do call mag first, I will never forget the experience I had when I tried.to "top off" my res, I put the cal mag in there like I was making a new batch and totally locked my plants out from being able to take up any nutes and two weeks passed before it even occurred to me that it was wrong. I still think about what that plant could have been too, it was a keeper until that 😂 stress like that causes stunting and "ain't nobody got time for that" 😂 "not today"
Hey @Tricomedome ,

here's your leaf...

here's an example of boron deficiency from Dutch Passion...

I'm guessing boron because of the regularity of the pattern of interveinal chlorosis, rather than simply calcium.

Boron deficiency is uncommon, but I see also that your plants have a wilting look, which is also attributed to lack of boron. It sounds like maybe you are growing in coco, so that may explain the lack of boron, because trace amounts of boron are all that's needed, and they are found in most soils containing composted organic material.

From Royal Queen Seeds, "Boron deficiencies usually occur when a plant is underwatered or subjected to low humidity. Boron deficiencies can mimic calcium deficiencies as both elements rely on each other to maintain overall plant health."

Good sources for Boron... kelp meal, worm castings.

Hmm great post, thank you for sharing, also reminded me that I have a unopened set of Dutch master nutrients in the basement so really great post, thank you two times for that, I hope that you're having a blessed day friend
Hmm great post, thank you for sharing, also reminded me that I have a unopened set of Dutch master nutrients in the basement so really great post, thank you two times for that, I hope that you're having a blessed day friend
Thank you! Just curious... how did you find the post? Or what drew you to this thread?
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