
Well-Known Member
I have written into this forum so many times regarding leaf issues. I would have multiple issues it seemed. So trying to pick a solution seemed futile. And of course everyone here said they dont know the products I am using so they have no real advice to give. EXCEPT @bluter.
He did say "that plant needs more nutrients" and he was absolutely right about that.
However, they had plenty of nutrients. And were showing multiple types of leaf signs. A few showing signs of not getting nitrogen. A few showing signs of not getting potassium or magnesium or calcium. Also bud issues as well.

SO, with all of those issues on the same plant It would baffle me and frustrate me.

But, I have figured out the issue and wanted to share it with everyone. In case if someone else comes across this multiple leaf issue they will know what the problem is.

The problem is absolutely SOIL pH. Everybody knows that if the soils pH is too high or too low it will cause it to stop picking up nutrients.

But if its right on the line... it will stop it from picking up certain nutrients.

pH may just be the most important thing you can do to ensure your plants grow without leaf issues.

I now use reagent solution(Thanks @Bill284) and my leaf issues are non existent now.

I also use Humboldt's Secret Acid and Base. Its very inexpensive and the bottles will probably last me the rest of my life with how little is needed.

My towns water comes into the house at over an 8. You can not water plants with that. It MUST be lowered.

This is what was causing my damn leaf issues. A plant will grow in 8... But it wont be optimal. And when the plant gets a little bushier it will start to have all kinds of issues.

Well, when I checked my pH with those paper sticks it would say it was about a 6 or 6.8 somewhere in that range. It was LYING.
Those paper pH checkers are no good. At least the ones I purchased were not.

Reagent solution is absolutely without question the best way to check pH.

You can use white vinegar to change the pH but its not as good as Phosphoric Acid. White vinegar will do it and IS fine to use to lower pH if you dont want to purchase phosphoric acid. Cannabis plants love a bit more acidic water(not tons). It takes about 3/4 of a half a teaspoon of phosphoric acid from Humboldt to get 5 gallons that measures an 8 out of the tap to a 5.5 or 6. The reason I make it on the low end is because the soil is going to be higher than the water you put in it. I also use a garden filter to get rid of chlorine and clomiphene(i believe that is the other treatment for water.) But I do not use reverse osmosis because it requires cal/mag to be used every watering.

I was using just DR Earth system for cannabis which is just their regular stuff but put in a packaging and schedule for cannabis and it works decently if you follow the schedule to the letter.

But I recently purchased something called Bud Doublin 3 bottle system (Grow Bloom and Micros) because a friend of mine had excellent results from it. But he was overdosing his plants and they turned out great. Instead of using the Pot of Gold liquid in complete doses bi weekly I switch up and use the pot of gold liquid (the alternate week gets a full dose of dry amendments) and Bud Doublin in a full dose. The Micros bottle has some nutrients in it that Dr Earth does not. So that is why I use it bi weekly now.
My plants dont have leaf issues anymore and there is not a bit of burning leaves. I believe it starts with making sure your water is clear of Chlorine and is pH balanced for Cannabis growing.

I have a friend who always has leaf issues and stunted bud growth and has been growing her entire life. She refuses to take any advice and keeps saying, ( I will use my method I've been using) because I have only been doing this for a year now so she cant take advice from me and she always guesses the leaf problem and flushes and adds an amendment she believes its lacking.

She gave me a seed called Gold Leaf. I asked her how the buds are when finished. She said it grows small nice smelling buds. Well, my buds were enormous. When I tried to tell her how I got them that way she just refused to listen. She grows 14 plants at a time and spends most of the day dealing with them. But she is out of buds quickly. And she does not sell. She gives some to her family but my word 14 plants should last you way way longer than you have to start a new grow every time you end one.

If you start out right with pH and follow a schedule with nutrients you wont have these leaf issues anymore. I was told pH was super important but during my first grow I had no issues using tap water so I just didnt expect that was the issue in my next grow. But those plants DID have some leaf issues and one drove me insane and the others were minor so I let them go. They all turned out great so I didnt believe pH was my problem until I got it solved and found out it was absolutely my issue. The one plant was yellowing, the entire plant. It was believed it needed more nutrients but come to find out... It was a high pH issue causing the plant to not utilize the nitrogen in the plant. Even when I dosed it up higher in nitrogen the leaf problem only changed a tiny bit. That plants soil was near an 8 on the meter. In fact the meter didnt move. It turned out really good in the end. I just imagine what it would have been like had I known about how important pH is back then.

Below is a photo of what I use to ensure my pH is correct. I have only used the base twice because I put a bit too much acid in. But you can use dump some water and add more water too.

I hope this helps people who have leaf issues.

Flushing is pointless unless you overdosed on nutes and know you did. It doesn't work unless you go super slow anyway. I am going to make a post about that soon as well

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