Leaf Damage


New Member
When a leaf is damaged from a nute deficiency or burn or whatever, does that leaf every recover from the damage??

Like these...



Re: Leaf Damage PICS!!!!

So here are more pictures of my leaf issues....I thought they were getting better but I'm not so sure...

Anybody got any ideas?? I'd be content with nitrogen deficiency but I'm on full nutes and there is tons of nitro in the nutes..





The yellowing is clearly a nitrogen deficiency. And this also happens when too much watering. But the leaves are yellowing bottom up.

Suggestion... Since you are in soil, if you haven't over-watered, go get some balanced veg nutes (powder is cheaper) ... 1 tsp per gallon. water it and then wait until plant dries out. do this 3 times, should take about 2 weeks to complete, see if your plant likes it each time, or adjust.

Then after the 3 times, regular water fro about another week.

If I am right they will get 30% bigger in 3 weeks.
The yellowing is clearly a nitrogen deficiency. And this also happens when too much watering. But the leaves are yellowing bottom up.

Suggestion... Since you are in soil, if you haven't over-watered, go get some balanced veg nutes (powder is cheaper) ... 1 tsp per gallon. water it and then wait until plant dries out. do this 3 times, should take about 2 weeks to complete, see if your plant likes it each time, or adjust.

Then after the 3 times, regular water fro about another week.

If I am right they will get 30% bigger in 3 weeks.

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