LA's Shooting For The Stars Journal: My Effort To Grow Pro!

So folks were gearing up for another run in my big spot and now without bloody spidermites....
Ill be running both the Gorilla breath and Sugar breath by HSO. Im also going to upgrade some kit. Instead of 2 x cmh 315s ive got 2 x 630 DE Cmh lamps coming. Plus VPD controller and AC. Then Ive the new badboy led coming. Equivalent to over 1000hps

So yep this next run should be epic. Ill run snoops nutrients this run while i wait to get going high brix style soon. As soon as im on a brix diet im going for all major eu cups etc.
So the sculpture plant has had its first 2 new strain graft attempts. I dont think they'll take as i forgot a cpl of little things during the process. Its not an issue ill go again if they fail. Normally i hit 85% success rate. So remembering my old method again should bring swift steps forward. The other 4 grrafts will be done within a week or 2.

Ill use the quantum boards for veg only now as i do not rate them one bit for flower due to the crap light penetration.

Im missing spannabis again unfortunately. Moving house is taking presidence though and in turn ill have more room to play.
Then i will be going hard. Its time i upped my game and got organized for comps. I want me some cup titles asap.

Oh and im possibly going to be taking over a huge legal hemp grow here. Its still just in talks but i may take it on

Finally my green friends has anyone got any tips for getting around 420 now? I miss my old page via control panel that listed my threads i followed. Now i cant seem to find people etc. Cheers in advance
Hey LA!

Super stoked to hear about what you’ve got coming up! Can’t wait to watch!

I only use my phone and The only advice I can give for navigating 420 is using the “watched threads” link in the menu... this shows you all the journals you’ve followed with the journals with the most recent updates at the top.... it’s pretty much all I use, if I’ve got time on my hands I will sometimes click on the lightning bolt up top and that brings you to a menu with the most recent posts etc on The site.... anyways I’m sure someone can be more useful than me lol just thought I’d share!

Looking forward to your grows, been a long time lurker of your work! Cheers!
crap light penetration
Do tell. I'm really loving mine.
Good ta see ya!

And also... what's your technical definition of light penetration? I was having a discussion about it with another user that believed it referred to light passing thru one leaf and penetrating on to the next, and so on and so on. My belief is that it's an angle thing having more to do with light passing thru openings in the plant hitting inner/lower growth.
I would like to talk on something.....
Im wanting to know what anyone thinks about using Grafting to aid the creation of new strains.
So what im talking about is the idea of using the genetic drift from grafting as a type of final dial a strain in on a exacting level.
The genetic drift of a grafted scion can be controlled. The degree incurred is effected by several factors such as scion size and its maturity etc.
With either tissue typing or genetic marker tech you could in my eye dial a strain in via a grafting process controlling drift percentage and making very targeted adjustments.??

Thoughts ???
I would like to talk on something.....
Im wanting to know what anyone thinks about using Grafting to aid the creation of new strains.
So what im talking about is the idea of using the genetic drift from grafting as a type of final dial a strain in on a exacting level.
The genetic drift of a grafted scion can be controlled. The degree incurred is effected by several factors such as scion size and its maturity etc.
With either tissue typing or genetic marker tech you could in my eye dial a strain in via a grafting process controlling drift percentage and making very targeted adjustments.??

Thoughts ???
How does grafting let you control the genetic drift? At best case I would think the drift would be "random" in that you won't really know which traits are being effected even if you can control the amount of drift. I'm anxious to learn, though! ;)
From what I've seen, grafting doesn't lead to creating plants of combined traits. Grafted plants will create 2 different sets of genetics from the 2 different parts. Somebody did some testing a while back... I'll do some digging... was it Weas?
To my understanding, the 2 share support systems, but not genetics. You'd totally think they would... but apparently not.
From what I've seen, grafting doesn't lead to creating plants of combined traits. Grafted plants will create 2 different sets of genetics from the 2 different parts. Somebody did some testing a while back... I'll do some digging... was it Weas?
To my understanding, the 2 share support systems, but not genetics. You'd totally think they would... but apparently not.

It is correct that the two don't share genetics but I believe Brother Light Addict is referring to only the drift of the grafted plant. While it's genetics would be unique from the plant it's grafted to, I can understand that it would have some "drift" from the original Mother plant. I just don't understand how that can be controlled. :hmmmm:
Awesome were having this discussion
So the drift factor is all dependant on the size and maturity of the donor cut comparable against that of the stocks matching limb. Plus most importantly the length of time the union of the 2 has gon on.
So a short young cut will have a shorter timeframe before drift kicks in.
So im thinking with trial and error i could perhaps learn to use all that to control the degree of said drift
Awesome were having this discussion
So the drift factor is all dependant on the size and maturity of the donor cut comparable against that of the stocks matching limb. Plus most importantly the length of time the union of the 2 has gon on.
So a short young cut will have a shorter timeframe before drift kicks in.
So im thinking with trial and error i could perhaps learn to use all that to control the degree of said drift

Ahhhhhhhhhh! :idea:

So, you're looking to DELAY the drift of a grafted cutting by taking an older, longer cutting?

I have no experience grafting MMJ (I do graft fruit trees! ;) ) but, assuming your premise on the size/age of the cut is correct, I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work. I think you'd just want to be sure you have a cutting from low on the donor plant to ensure the maximum amount of rooting auxins when you take the cut which should help to increase probability of the graft taking?
I don't run Quantum Boards but I run a similar technology in the Fluence Spydrx Plus. Its designed to be run as close as 6" from the canopy (I have run mine 3-4" above with no ill effects) and that is where you get your penetration power as well as crazy density.

I suggest you give a trial run with those QBs about 6-10" and see if you don't notice a huge difference in the density and penetration you get. Its not going to cost you anything additional and if you are worried about it, just try it on a small crop. I think you will be surprised. Good luck brother.
Awesome were having this discussion
So the drift factor is all dependant on the size and maturity of the donor cut comparable against that of the stocks matching limb. Plus most importantly the length of time the union of the 2 has gon on.
So a short young cut will have a shorter timeframe before drift kicks in.
So im thinking with trial and error i could perhaps learn to use all that to control the degree of said drift

I haven’t read the whole conversation and am just whizzing through actually. No doubt I really should before I open my virtual mouth and start blathering anything... But no, that would be too easy.
If by ‘genetic drift’, you’re thinking of a sort of ‘blending’ aspect between the different strain grafts involved- I saw none in any of the grafts I did. Or there was close enough to none that I couldn’t really detect it.
In the early days I thought maybe there was a sort of averaging effect on the different feeding level requirements of the strains involved. Like the light feeder and the heavy feeder found a happy medium when grafted together. After burning a few grafted-on strains, I decided I was probably wrong about that.

But of course you’ve done a lot more grafted at this point than I have, I think. So why am I spewing this info, I wonder....

Good luck with the grafting! Or whatever wonders you’re working now which I haven’t taken the time to read about because apparently I’m in such a hurry :)
Sounds like you've still got a lot going on and some big plans in the future LA! Hope you win a few metals this year for sure.
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