Landrace Genetics 101

Well I chopped the 2 Ethiopians thinking the second one would be the same as the first. Crappy buzz. They look identical. Did not take a clone...

I reluctantly smoked a bit of the second one tonight just to be sure. Oh man. Euphoria, great effect, no downsides at all. The good news is I have a bunch more seeds and I know to grow several to get a good pheno.

Not gonna share this, barely anything there but enough to keep me going with all the other strains I have. I should have known that this strain that has survived 100 years or more would have some great phenos in the bunch. I somehow expect every plant out of a strain to be at least good if not great. That's not how this works, to quote the phone ad.

conradino23 do you have any newer thoughts on the Nanda Devi? I know you were in love with it. I saw another guy who grew it and Kerala and preferred the Kerala. I have limited space in my tent and want to go after the best Indian first. I have all of the Real Seed Indians or just about. The Sinai has gotten high praise too.

I have been reading on the Malana Cream. Interesting story. Malana, which I have, is calling to me as well.
Find a nice sativa auto and roll with that. Remember that if you cross a GT photo with an auto the first generation will be 100% photos. Cross that generation with each other and it will produce 25% photo/50% fast/25% autos. You will have to grow out that generation to select the autos. Then you would want to pheno hunt from that point. From the start it will take a number of generations to find what your looking for.

What he said. Reason being that auto genes are recessive.
Id love to stabilise the indica pheno from the Lebs

I am thinking about that as well. They have been growing these strains this way for a long long time in huge fields. Stretched genetics. I am leaning toward stabilizing for other aspects though. I am liking my super early July bloomer. Outdoors in Oregon, July bloomers are valuable with the insane and highly variable weather that we get here. Being able to harvest in August is a big plus. Smaller yield? Maybe. For a home grower, who cares? Not everyone wants or needs Jorge Cervantes monster sized plants. And this year I believe that Oregon will have such a whopping harvest outdoors, that the market will be flooded. Depends on when the rains and cold weather comes. Last year at least 30% and more likely 50% of the outs were spoiled and rotted by early September rains.

Reason I am interested in these Lebbies: I get migraines. This week instead of taking my Rx drugs for them when they come on, I have been taking 2 hits of the sativa pheno Lebby. It takes a little longer than the triptans to abort the migraine, like say an hour and a half instead of an hour? But the results are the same. Migraines are gone, w/o the Rx side effects. And I feel better when I am high. For me, this is a miracle cure. We shall see if the effects last over a longer period of time. It may be a fluke as yet. But... fingers crossed. There is a raft of corroborating support for weed and migraines. The fucking DEA be damned.

Oh, I have 20 some odd other strains here that I have tried for migraines, mainly the newer high CBD ones, but they seem ineffective. Or they make them worse. The strains that are commonly listed for migraines do not work for me (GSC, Sour Diesel, Harlequin, Blue Dream, White Widow, OG Kush/Lemon OG Kush, Dream Queen; I have grown most of these). There is something magical about these Lebanese strains that are different. Some other cannabinoid in them? Or the correct mix of CBD and THC? Or just because I am smoking early harvest samples? Hard to say. Israel is decades ahead of the US in clinical medical testing of marijuana. Little information is available on this stuff here in the states. The only problem is that MJ may trigger rebound migraine headaches like triptans do. I am working on testing that, but I would have to stay high every day? Things could be worse. And 2 hits of Lebby weed does not get me that high. The CBD definitely counteracts and competes with the THC for neuro receptors. That may in turn result in the THC doing other things instead. Like vaso constriction. Again, hard to tell with limited research. UC San Diego is trying to change that, and they are doing research (the little that they can) at the medical center there.

conradino23 do you have any newer thoughts on the Nanda Devi? I know you were in love with it. I saw another guy who grew it and Kerala and preferred the Kerala. I have limited space in my tent and want to go after the best Indian first. I have all of the Real Seed Indians or just about. The Sinai has gotten high praise too.

I have some Kerala seeds that I am running next year. Best weed that I ever smoked was south Indian ganja. Bar none. Not exactly sure where it was from, or exactly what strain, but I believe that the same ganja going around NorCal was what was crossed with Haze back in '75 or so. I had people knocking on my door for 2 months wanting that ganja. Sorry, long gone! Mythical. Legendary. I have seeds from another strain of South Indian ganja as well. I dearly want to grow these south India strains, but I am working on medical strains first and super high strains second. So Lebby and Durbans are in my GH now, along with Grape Ape.
Well I chopped the 2 Ethiopians thinking the second one would be the same as the first. Crappy buzz. They look identical. Did not take a clone...

I reluctantly smoked a bit of the second one tonight just to be sure. Oh man. Euphoria, great effect, no downsides at all. The good news is I have a bunch more seeds and I know to grow several to get a good pheno.

Not gonna share this, barely anything there but enough to keep me going with all the other strains I have. I should have known that this strain that has survived 100 years or more would have some great phenos in the bunch. I somehow expect every plant out of a strain to be at least good if not great. That's not how this works, to quote the phone ad.

conradino23 do you have any newer thoughts on the Nanda Devi? I know you were in love with it. I saw another guy who grew it and Kerala and preferred the Kerala. I have limited space in my tent and want to go after the best Indian first. I have all of the Real Seed Indians or just about. The Sinai has gotten high praise too.

I have been reading on the Malana Cream. Interesting story. Malana, which I have, is calling to me as well.
I loved it indeed. Nice finish too for a pure sativa, 3rd week of October. Downside was really shitty taste, hash was better though. However after I smoked my sun dep Colombian Gold '72 I have to say it has all these qualities I found in Nanda Devi, but is superior. Just excellent weed hands down. Downside is flowering time, it took me 15 weeks of 11/13 to finish her. I have few Manipuris growing outside ATM, that start flowering now. This is Bengali strain and ought to be top of the line. I'm not sure about the flowering time. I'm gonna let you know when I harvest them.
Good to hear there conradino. I have a couple Colombian Gold '72 at 10 weeks flower. I think I can get them done in 13 weeks. 9 hours and 15 minutes lights on/14 hours 45 minutes off. These are USC as I guess yours are. I also have Snowhigh's Colombian Gold '72, which he says is different than USC.

I checked and I do not have Malana Cream but rather Pavarti, which is very close to the Malana area. Might even be the same strain. Oily hash in both cases. The Highland Thai is coming back to Real Seeds.

There is a story of BOEL going to Sri Lanka, which is just off the coast of south India, almost part of it. Strongest trippiest stuff they ever got. Said it was much stronger than the Michoacan etc, which is saying something. Traded blue jeans for pot as the locals had no use for money or preferred the jeans anyways.
BTW here's CG '72 from USC:


And here's Manipuri from RSC:


I wasn't even alive yet in the 70s, but I can tell this bud is genuine and top of the line. Let's just hope they'll make it by December here :laugh:
At one point, Thumper says, Gale and a friend went surfing in Sri Lanka and discovered the villagers grew a powerful variety of marijuana. Gale offered to buy their whole crop. But the villagers didn't want money; they wanted Levi's jeans. "They headed back [to Laguna] and made everyone go to every Sears, looking in the paper for a cheap pair of Levi's," says Thumper. "And they shipped them over there and bought all this pot. They called it Mars pot. It was high-grade pot; it put Oaxacan, Michoacan and Colombian Gold to shame. And we drained Orange County of Levi's. And that's cool, you know, that's entrepreneurial. What wrecked it was coke." BOEL hippies doing this.

Kerala is right next to Sri Lanka so maybe the same strain or similar.
I get migraines.

+1. Had a bad wreck in '89, got broken, bruised, torn... and have had headaches more or less constantly since. I had one that helped, but IDK exactly what it was. Some kind of "x Romulan" cross is all I can remember. I don't remember the smell, taste, or even the buzz - just that it enabled high-functioning days (which was enough).
Good to hear there conradino. I have a couple Colombian Gold '72 at 10 weeks flower. I think I can get them done in 13 weeks. 9 hours and 15 minutes lights on/14 hours 45 minutes off. These are USC as I guess yours are. I also have Snowhigh's Colombian Gold '72, which he says is different than USC.

I checked and I do not have Malana Cream but rather Pavarti, which is very close to the Malana area. Might even be the same strain. Oily hash in both cases. The Highland Thai is coming back to Real Seeds.

There is a story of BOEL going to Sri Lanka, which is just off the coast of south India, almost part of it. Strongest trippiest stuff they ever got. Said it was much stronger than the Michoacan etc, which is saying something. Traded blue jeans for pot as the locals had no use for money or preferred the jeans anyways.

Just a question here: why do people continue light dep well into flowering? I have used a technique here where I trigger flowering by moving indoor grown plants under 20/4 light into 13/11 light in April and they usually pop flowers right away. Then they bloom right through June, even with the days getting longer. I harvest in June and remove all the flowers, and they re-veg in sunlight and they bloom again in the fall. I have found that in order to re-veg, I have to remove all the flowers, otherwise they continue flowering. So there is an auxin involved here with photos, likely produced by the flowers.

Also a word of advice: never ever tell a Sri Lankan that Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) is or is almost part of India. They hate that. I had a lot of Sri Lankan friends in the SF Bay Area and they all despised Indians. They told Indian jokes and put them down all the time. Basically Sri Lanka has a much higher standard of living and education than India does, and a completely different history, marred by many invasions from India.
I had a lot of Sri Lankan friends in the SF Bay Area and they all despised Indians. They told Indian jokes and put them down all the time.

Racists, huh? It's a shame that some of the most universal traits of homo sapiens... are the least desirable ones.

Do they also hate the British, Portuguese, and Dutch? Or is it only the invaders that they have the most in common with, lol?
Racists, huh? It's a shame that some of the most universal traits of homo sapiens... are the least desirable ones.

Do they also hate the British, Portuguese, and Dutch? Or is it only the invaders that they have the most in common with, lol?

No, not racism in the US context, as they (Indians and Sri Lankans) are basically the same race and genetics. Nationalist? They resent Indian dominance, and culture. So whatever that is. They have also been involved in a 25 year civil war most recently between themselves, and many wars with India and invasions by India, and involved in or fought over in many wars between the Dutch, Portuguese, and British in history. So there are good reasons for the bias. They have been a pawn in a very large global chess game. And that bias is nothing compared to Southern vs Northern Indian bias. I have worked with many Indians in high tech, and there is a HUGE cultural schism between northern and southern India. They resent each other in culture, cuisine, customs, religion, language, etc. Before the UK ruled India, South Asia had hundreds of languages and dialects in the regions, and no one understood anyone else. They say that the British gave India the two gifts of the railroads, and a common language, which still bind India today. Of course there is also the massive rift between religions in India, mainly split between Islam, Hindu, and Sikh. But there are also Buddhists and hundreds of other religions in India. And in working with most Asians in general, I have found them to all be racists regarding other Asians and whites. Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Indonesians, Indians, all put the other Asian 'races' down, and typically put us whites down. Especially the "Ugly Americans". Racism goes back to before pre-history, if you care to look. We likely wiped out the Neanderthals and a half dozen other homo species either in direct conflict, or competition.

An examples of north India vs south that I experienced was with the after hours dinners when I worked at Sun Microsystems as a microprocessor design engineer. We had free dinner Monday through Thursday, and every night was a different cuisine. Wednesday was Indian food night. The admin did not understand the split between north and south Indian culture. She ordered "Indian' food, thinking that it was all the same. But it was north Indian food. So the south Indians working there resented it. To the point that they got together and staged a coop; they all claimed that the Indian food gave them the raging shitz. It was BS, but a clever plan. However, that scheme was foiled, as rather than select a south Indian restaurant to cater the dinners, or alternate between north and south, the admin switched to Thai food on Wednesday. I did not care, as I do not like either Indian or Thai food. Digging deeper into that event, I found a lot of resentment in the Indian engineering camp there between north and south. It goes deep. IMO, its their culture, so who are we to criticize it? Especially in heavily racial, gender and religious biased America.
Sri Lankan people I have met, especially the wealthy, fear invasion by India - with good cause.

In my travels through corporate America, I have found many many times Pakistani, North and South Indian eating together. I often ate lunch with them and was invited to their homes. Sikh, Muslim, Vaishnavite, Jain - no problem.

The key factor in most racism is having enough of a certain race to despise - If the ratio between races is 100 to 1, there is usually not a problem, If there are three 1's they usually stick together. If the ration is 40 to 30, there is almost always racial tension.

SIkhs in America alll get along, Punjabi Sikh cab driver with White American Sikh yoga teacher - bcause there are not that many SIkhs in any one city.. In Canada and England, Punjabi Sikh cab drivers don't go to the same temples as Punjabi SIkh farmers or Punjabi Sikh doctors (which is against their Gurus teachings) - because there are too many SIkhs to get along with each other.

- - -

Which is all to say that Sri Lanka / India relations are more like Cuba / USA relations than traditional racism.

P.S. Regarding Sun Microsystems, Sikh Punjabis (North Indians) have been living in California since they built the first railroads. They have been successful in trucking and have intermarried with other Californians for over 100 years. South Indians (Mostly Hindu) are all recent arrivals who arrived since the 1980s. The northern Indians went to california schools. The southern indians went to indian schools. The southern indians arrived to find that North Indian Cuisine dominates the restaurants and is what people call Indian. They also consider themselves higher caste than Sikh Punjabis whereas Sikh Punjabis have totally rejected the caste system for 300 years - This tension is similar to the South vs the North in the USA. Southern fried food being a bit different than California Cuisine. Southern fried racism being differnt than Chicago racism.
Prejudice is the word, been around forever and going nowhere I guess. Racism is the term applied to whites to successfully shame most, others are culturally aware or some such shit.
Prejudice is the word

That's the word I should have used. Brain fart I suppose.

I guess everyone is prejudiced to some degree or other. Myself... I don't like child molesters, thieves, those who murder for hire without regard to whether or not the victim deserves it, those who can afford both water and soap but do not use them together on a daily basis, people who do not keep a sanitary kitchen... and people who have kids without making sure that they can afford to raise them and then go on welfare so we all have to pay for them (but do not get the privilege of disciplining the little sh!ts).

Oh, I also strongly dislike (hate would not be an inappropriate word) pigeons and geese. They're like spider mites, lol - you can spend the entire day killing them, but leave a couple alive and there'll be a million more tomorrow :rolleyes3 .

I used to universally hate men who beat on women. But then I met more women, lol. I still don't like such things, but I now understand that it's not always one-sided. Plus, I figure that if a guy beats the sh!t out of a woman and then she goes to sleep beside him afterwards, she's as dumb as he is (pick up a cast iron skillet from the kitchen before you go to the bedroom, FFS!).
P.S. Regarding Sun Microsystems, Sikh Punjabis (North Indians) have been living in California since they built the first railroads. They have been successful in trucking and have intermarried with other Californians for over 100 years. South Indians (Mostly Hindu) are all recent arrivals who arrived since the 1980s. The northern Indians went to california schools. The southern indians went to indian schools. The southern indians arrived to find that North Indian Cuisine dominates the restaurants and is what people call Indian. They also consider themselves higher caste than Sikh Punjabis whereas Sikh Punjabis have totally rejected the caste system for 300 years - This tension is similar to the South vs the North in the USA. Southern fried food being a bit different than California Cuisine. Southern fried racism being differnt than Chicago racism.

Ah yes, I forgot to add a bit about the Indian cast system. Man, what a can of worms that is. The cast system makes racism look tame. It has been outlawed in India since 1950, but EVERY Indian that I have ever met knows his or her cast and the cast system pervades and dominates Indian culture to this day. 90% of the Indians that I have worked with are Brahmas. That is the highest cast. In India, the higher you go, the less you do. To the point that at the top, if you simply gesture, someone else below you farts for you (yes that is a metaphor, but one I came up with after working with may Indians). And that was always a problem at every high tech company that I worked at. In every day life, they (the upper casts) had issue living in America. I worked with one guy that bought a condo, and he asked me about cleaning his toilet. I said that I used a toilet brush and Scrubbing Bubbles. He gawked at the idea that I cleaned my own toilets. It was beyond his paradigms to even process the thought. THAT was for the lower casts. I scoffed at him and told him he better get over that shit in America, or he was going to be knee deep in shit, literally. He was the son of a pair of doctors. Every day US trivial stuff was simply beneath him to deal with.
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