Landrace Genetics 101

This summer I grew an outdoor plant from seed I got from this old guy that were supposedly "30 year old seeds"..
That's what he said, not that I believe this for sure, but he isn't known to be a liar..

This plant was very different in that it grew very straight up, and all of its branches grew UP very close into the plant, rather than the branches growing wide, they all stayed tight to the plant..

You can see it here at 3:40 ...

This is the first plant I chopped because it became very susceptible to mold.. It had to come down and it was too early..

The product (buds) of this plant is pretty skunky, chemically smelling, strong terpine smelling, hint of peppery, not fruity at all..

I'm not sure if "creeper" effect is something I really believe in but the effect of this plant when smoked seems to take a long time to kick in.. You can easily smoke too much because you smoke and are fine but you keep coming up and up for about a half hour and then are surprised about how high this stuff actually got you after a while..

Sometimes it is a normal high for a little while and then WHAM it hits you and you are stoned right out..

Maybe it has a bunch of Sativa in it?
IDK if I have ever experienced any real Sativa..

I do have a very healthy clone in dirt of this plant so it is not lost, but I'll probably rock it indoors and not put it outside again because as I said it was prone to mold..

It stretched a LOT in early flower, more than any others in my garden this year, it's growth spurt in early flower had it catching up to my largest plant in height..

It also eventually developed very pink pistils..

This was my own first ever personally mine grow.. I could have gotten them out much earlier but it turned out OK for a first try..

Living soil, nothing from bottles..
Yeah I've heard that a lot. I've never had an issue. Or found them tricky. I just plant them into hot soil and they go mad. lots of sun and water and they go and go. Maybe an indoor thing...or the sun. Maybe it's giving them plenty from day one. I've also never really found them to be light on N requirements. I admittedly have basic experience growing indica so can't make a comparison. Yours is looking steller.
thank you! :)
thanks lr ive heard all kind of stories about how particular they can be so im very happy with how its going now to keep it happy lol!
Your used to growing indicas and hybrids, so I'd go a bit light on the N from what your used to. Just keep an eye out for the leaves curling down. She's looking very happy for you now. You're doing great!
Your used to growing indicas and hybrids, so I'd go a bit light on the N from what your used to. Just keep an eye out for the leaves curling down. She's looking very happy for you now. You're doing great!
thanks morglie so far all its been getting is a weak version of ewc and radiant green tea ill keep an eye on it but so far it seems happy with my soil and tea program I also foliar with that tea diluted 5-1 they all get that!
Sometimes it is a normal high for a little while and then WHAM it hits you and you are stoned right out..

Maybe it has a bunch of Sativa in it?
IDK if I have ever experienced any real Sativa..

I didnt get a good look but it looked to have a sativa influence in the leaf. that is what i thought, could be cause I was looking for it.

The 'wham it hits you' is the way my wife described some of my sativa, mind eraser she calls it.
ive had some whiteflies get on this Malawi first time ive seen those indoors for me but I caught it early been spraying it for 3 days and scoping the leaves and squishing anything I see tonight I found 1 pupa nothing else so there all but gone thank goodness I really want to see this girl to the end! :)

she still looks happy!
thanks van hey where's those lebbys lol!
Sorry brother, I didn't get to the tent before lights went off and then yesterday we were up in New Hampshire cutting down trees for firewood all day yesterday. Going to get on it here in a few minutes brother....cheers!
As promised.......popped these and #1 and #2 came out full speed ahead while #3 kind of bogged down very early....almost to the point where it I didn't think it was going to make it, but low and behold a week later it pushed through it and has been growing very good since then. These are supposed to be naturally high in CBD as opposed to most of the CBD strains out there.

Lebanese (Regs) - ACE Seeds - Veg Day 23

Lebanese #1 (Looking more Sativa leaning on its initial growth)

Lebanese #2 (Much thicker stem, little thicker leaves)

Lebanese #3 (Possible dwarf ?? Or just slow growing compared to its offspring)

I finally determined that I got a male and two females of the Mulanje x Swaziland sativas. Put the male in the veg tent to gather some pollen.

Females have been slightly abused but kept low. Put them into the autopots this week and tied them down. Underwatered them a bit. Was gone for a week. Might have a heavier feeder as one looks like its got a calcium issue. But got remos magnifical in the reservoir now so it should go away.

Van it looks like you have 1 of each pheno. The dwarf is the ruderalis showing through. Evidently they bred ruderalis into the Lebanese years ago to speed up production. They don’t auto flower but they are fast.
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