15 days old today…it was a big day moving into 3 gallon buckets, getting extra photons, and a bump in ppm to 410, 6.1 ph, 68-69 f nutrient temperature. Bigger plants feed 2x a day, little fellas only once at lights on so far, maybe tomorrow they start 2x a day regimen. Feed until run off, maybe 150-200 mls each.
I have added 130 additional watts of budget led full spectrum, and the 50 far red/uva…tent 1 is up to 680 watts of available power @ 3 plants that’s almost 230 watts for each plant.
Which was so inspiring, I did some ordering for tent 2…when it’s all done #2 will have 710 watts of power including another 50 of supplemental. My experiment with far red/uva is out the window already?
Why not grow 2 tents full of frostiness? The pictures and words telling tales of In House Genetics, with the frostiest, stickiest, terpiest looking goodness. I would like some of that please…
As for the other 4, a friend is adding them to his garden…he gets 2 tart pops, and 2 gg4, or that’s what I’m thinking? Now that I type it out, I love GG4 maybe I need to grow out a gg4? not a real gg though, a Canuk seeds rendition of it…the flavour of the gg is pretty darn fine though…hmmm? Choices we are forced to make with small tents growing large plants. I think 2 large Malawis could be fun next round, 1 in each tent…1 Malawi, and 1 landrace potent as hell sativa? Again choices i‘m forced to make…
Far Red comes on for 1 hour 18 minutes at the beginning and end of day…18 minutes in the dark phase, 1 hour with the lights on. I will extend the duration at some undetermined point in time, after the transplant has taken root. In coco with root tonic should be by tomorrow? I have been warned to watch cal mag and nitrogen deficiency with added far red, photosynthesis stimulation takes extra energy.
This grow rant was inspired by Blue Cheese from last winters harvest…which is turning out to be some fire with a few months in the jars now. The flavours are something else! It reminds me of juicy fruit gum, very nice smoke…super dense buds! No topping done with the Blue Cheese, just standard pruning…