Lambs Breath Autoflower

That's a pretty good temp. I'd take the dome off and leave it where it is for now.
Poor little seedling....cotyledons arent looking too happy. Was doing good from 7am-12pm yesterday and then noticed the cotyledons were limping so i took it out the dome shortly after....still not looking the best. I think my problem might be presoaking the soil with mc 1 night before planting. Ill just have to let it dry and hope she doesnt die from drowning.

Humidity is 24% in the hallway so put a dome over to raise it up.

Lambs breath - lots of new pistils being put out on areas other than foxtails so those should fill up as well? The sugar leaves on top of buds have changed color a bit around the perimeter, not sure if its a defiency or not. I think my other sativa auto had similiar characteristics.

Green crack - been doing all sorts of training and no complaints besides some tip burn, might bring mc down next feed. Otherwise loving life

I've heard that sativas tend to be light feeders, but I'm not sure if that applies to autos as well. Got my first sativa photo now and it's doing great on 4.5g/gallon a week and a half into flower.
the cotyledons were limping so i took it out the dome shortly after
Humidity is 24% in the hallway so put a dome over to raise it up.
It's going to take a lot longer to dry out with the dome on it though, if you're worried about the tap root drowning.
I've heard that sativas tend to be light feeders, but I'm not sure if that applies to autos as well. Got my first sativa photo now and it's doing great on 4.5g/gallon a week and a half into flower.

It's going to take a lot longer to dry out with the dome on it though, if you're worried about the tap root drowning.

Good point. It was releasing water from the cotyledons and first set of leaves so i removed the dome aagin
Lambs breath auto larger fan leaves continue to change color, i know this could be part of maturing but does seems early for week 6? All leaves also showing tip burn.

So an increase in MC hasnt stopped the leaves from stopping color change and is now showing tip burn from too much nutes? Go down to 6.25g next feed?

Looking top shelf in there man! I transferred over those A6 and BC buds into a jar. They were starting to get crispy to the touch. I’m looking forward to sampling it. :yummy:
Is this normal? I dont remember my last harvest had buds crispy to the touch.
Buds dried fast too because they are not dense.
Bagseeds 2 has emerged to life after planted in soil 36 hours ago

Bagseed 1 is growing slowly and stretching for sure...already 3" from light. When should i put in tent? Ill put a heating pad under it for sure i think id have to it gets 15-16c and that cant be a good for a seedling

Will not be feeding for a while since both their soils are fairly damp

day 74 - day 45 flower
Lambs breath auto - added some color on watering days so I can clearly see it without scrolling through each post!
Feeding today of 6.25g MC, decrease of .25g from last feed, reduced it a little due to tip burn. Fan leaves continue to yellow, some of the inside smaller fan leaves also starting to yellow. Still waiting for buds to swell up as the tips are still quite thin

45k-50k lux to top of canopy
23c day - 17.5c night temp
40% RH
18/6 light

BAGSEED #1 doing good, first set of fan leaves coming along, BAGSEED #2 still has its helmet on and cotyledons still look to be attached to each other

8k lux
25c day & night
25% humidity - put a dome on it but leaves start sweating so leaving dome off for now
24/0 light

Some would put a drop of water on it and wait a minute or 5 and see if it pulls off. Or wait. They are delicate this stage.

I put the dome back on it to see if the membrane will sweat off. The first set of leaves are growing and cotyledons havent separated.
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