The photo from November 22nd shows that something happened to the plant. It happened before the 22nd or even possible it happened a couple of days before the 17th but had not yet had an effect on the plant.
Looks like it has gotten worse since then. Do you know what happened? I did a quick look back but it is hard to figure out the sequence of events.
If it was the soil mix then the plant would not look as well as it did in the photo taken on November 17th. That makes me think that it was a mix-up involving the fertilizers.
If you put that plant under a flowering light schedule in the next week without fixing the problem I figure it will not produce enough buds nor any quality worth smoking. The plant might not even make it 6 or 7 weeks. Been there myself and have done it. Minimal buds and mediocre quality and my plants were in somewhat better shape.
You could try cutting back the top 2/3 of the plant. It sounds drastic but that removes 2/3s of the work that the plant has to do to survive as it is right now. After cutting off the top 2/3s then do some thinning out of the lower portion leaving only healthy looking growth.
Since cutting back on the top growth will help make it easier to handle the plant it is a good time to transplant. Get a landscape or growing pot. The typical black plastic ones that are not fancy looking. They will have a wider bottom which means they can hold a bit more soil than the flower pots it looks like you are using. Water properly but no fertilizer yet. I have done that sort of thing with all my 'mother plants' except I am not going to fertilize until we get closer to spring weather outside since I do not have the time to take care of large actively growing Cannabis plants at this time.
In about a week you should see healthy new growth as the plant takes in nutrients from the new soil. In your case at this time you can start up the fertilizing schedule.
Up to you but it might be quicker to start a new seed or two. It might take less time to grow a new plant from seed than it will take to get the old and sick one back into a good healthy condition.
Currently watering With 6ml/L Grow 2ml topmax and 0,5 calmag.
Yes The "Occuring" happend when i Started to Up the dose of the Grow paired with the Calmag to 1,5ml/L and calmag 1ml/L after that it started yellowing hardcore.
Before it was at 1ml/L grow and 0,5ml Calmag, I came to the Conclusion that maybe its The Calmag thats why i started giving 0,5ml again.
I Just Cant Re or Up Pot them Again, No Soil, No Pots, no space, No Money.
They are getting Better. Im also Convinced by now That theyre never gonna be back at full health.
New Growth looks like K Deffiency still, which i Embraced last watering tho so thats no wonder.
Should i Up the feeding or amount of water im giving? Currrently only watering with 1L per Plant cause im scared of over watering + Rootbound now.
I know the Plants are way too big for their pots, there is Sadly nothing i can do about it anymore or Rn.
Only thing I Could try is Switching the Nutes to some Powder For Autoflower which is 3-5-4 from friend, Same strain/seed. His plant looks Completely fine expect for maybe some drooping on the Tips cause he really doesnt care how he waters. Other than that His plant looks Totally fine, Should i switch the Nutes ??
What i Observed the last weeks is that the "Problem" is Fixed in my Opinion, It just has done alot of Damage that might be Inrepairable, and alot of The growth Just been getting better. (Sorry for the Language but Fuck Biobizz)
I see Why Cutting it down Would work but it doesnt Solve the Problem, When cut Short id have to wait like 1 to 2 weeks for them to recover and at that time shes gonna be That big Again.
I Could Throw 1 Out and transplant the other 1 in a 40L pot, She would recover Fantastic but i CANT.
not because thrwoing out 1 of them would break my heart, its cause i Dont have the soil nor the Money for anything else rn.
Edit: I Cant start anything new at this time.(Just bad times rn)
I Would just Push them through theyre Life cycle before wasting time Having nothing in there and not being able to Put anything in there.
Id rather have the Experience of Failing or Experiencing Alot of lessons that i Would never learn if i would just start over when a Problem occours.