Kushwestcoast's - Closet Grow OG Kush#18 - Purple Kush

Hello everyone!, My name is Kushwestcoast and i am a first time grower, growing in my closet for personal use!. I recently received a nice gift from a departing friend, a nice 8 inch Purple kush plant in very nice condition(No bugs, 1 or 2 yellow leaves witch i trimmed off right away). I also received a nice 4 tube 4 foot fluorescent light already wired for 110v from my dad. I know what a nice guy! :D. I also have a 20w CFL light i bought from a hardware store( was thinking of making a cloning box with it). The plant was in a tiny container when i got it way undersized IMO. So off to the store i went and got myself a bag of Miracle Grow Moisture Control Soil(I Figured it would help me from over-watering) the soil also contains a very weak nute base of 0.18/0.10/0.10(Thought of money saving by not having to mix a nute mix myself). So i now have the transplant DONE!, now the wait for recovery, so i can clone her :D. I plan on growing 4-6 plants. Enough to keep me and the wife smiling! :P. I hope you all can join me and my wife in this exciting, fun and learning experience!
Kushwestcoast & Wife :MoreNutes:
Type: Purple Kush(Got from a friend, Appox. 2-3 weeks old VEG)/ Og Kush #18(Still in seed form waiting for taproots to emerge and then onto veg/growth)
Medium: Miracle Grow Moisture control soil+Nutrients(very weak 0.18/0.10/0.10)
Lighting: 4xT12 40w Phillips plant& Aquarium bulbs + 1x Ottlight(Grow Light) 20w CFL*(Positioned to the side to provide extra lighting to the under leaves. I am looking into buying a 400w HID HPS for budding... trying to find a good deal on a package.
Nutrients: Miracle Grow ALL Purpose... 28/8/16 all that's all thats around here....(Thinking of making a trip out of town to get better nutes or ordering online)
No pics? Go for the blueplanetnutrients, super good deal! I bought my HPS/MH for 145 I think on eBay with the hood, both a HPS and MH bulb, and a 400w dimmable digital balast. I really like it, only downside is it has an internal fan that's a little noisy and I sleep in the same room I actually like the background noise though so its fine for me. It does keep the ballast like 75F though.

Ok, i will bust out the camera and take a few new pics of my set-up!! after my smoke hehe :blunt:
Get it sooner then later if you can you will see a huge increase in growth. And if you didn't know you can stick metal halide bulbs in an HPS balast :)
Ya, 3 weeks until payday... i will be picking one up then. this will keep it alive for now lol. And when my seeds taproots pop out i will have more to keep "alive" lol /crosses fingers. I was thinking of a 600w Dimmable or 400w dimmable. In such a small place, I'm thinking of the LED 400watt from advancedLEDlights.com. to save on energy and heat, in turn less fan power required. in turn cheaper for me lol. But more expensive in the short term...
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