Ktcg - 2016 - Indoor - Soil - 140W LED - Pineapple Express - 2x2x3 Tent - Grow

these pics were taken yesterday on day 51 of flowering (or from the 12/12 switch)

on day 50 i started the flush and trimmed some fan leaves

looking like these ladies will be harvested late next week!


just got home yesterday from a week away. my girlfriend tended to the girls

day 61 (yesterday when pics were taken)

i lollypopped them, got rid of all non-sugar leaves that i could

been picking seeds off of berthas very low stems

thinking a few more days and then i will stick a nail through them and leave em in the dark for 24 hours.
so I harvested and my girls are smoking great!

I harvested on day 69 and let them dry for 6 days and have them in mason jars now sitting at a nice 57-59 RH


4 pineapple express plants, 2 gal 9" buckets, Kelloggs Organic soil
ended up with 50 grams of buds and 14 grams of shake
using just the mars 300 (~142w actual) and i strung up some $20 strip LEDs for the last 4 weeks

total time from seed to smoke - 117 days
12/12 light days - 69

i ended up with almost 100 seeds from Bertha, and between 4-12 each on the 3 other plants. i had been pulling these during waterings and obviously keeping them. might sprout a few to give to friends.
I did not do this on purpose lol, they popped a couple pollen sacs and i couldnt pull off every one. i don't mind the seeds. got some future projects!

and yes they do look like big didlos haha. i did not know of plant training before i started this grow and was too late to try my hand at it. next time i will definitely be snipping the tip at least once.

man, they are all smoking great. they smell like pink lemonade and have a great mind lifting and body feel to them.

some pics from harvest and nugs

this grow is COMPLETED!

Thanks, dirt!
No new grow lined up. A lot of ideas for the next one bouncing around in my head. Hydro and FIM are what I am thinking for the next one. And MORE light.

Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Hope all is well in your world.

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