Kitty's First Grow Spring 2017: LED & CFL & Sun

Hi kitty, finally made it here and read the whole journal. Whew!
You have done a great job so far. I'm on day 25 flower right now, so 3 days behind you. You can bet I'm gonna stick around and compare notes. :high-five:
Hi kitty, finally made it here and read the whole journal. Whew!
You have done a great job so far. I'm on day 25 flower right now, so 3 days behind you. You can bet I'm gonna stick around and compare notes. :high-five:

Oh mah gawwwsh!!! Well thank you for taking the time to read my journal snarls.... it really means a lot when people come in late in the game... that you were able to read through everything I've been through is a compliment in its own and thank you. I have worked very hard on trying to be a decent grower. From where I started back in the beginning to where I am now is... millions of miles further than I ever thought.

I always laugh when I look back at the title because it said CFL plus Sun, and while technically I do have a couple cfls in my veg cabinet because I like to use them to nurse seedlings... I definitely gave up on the sun part and now really one LED with my original 300 in veg and then I have that massive Mars II for flower.

There are a few Grow journals that are about 4 weeks into flower.. well now I'm 4 and half but still... should be fun...

Have a group harvest... lol

Took the girls out into natural light because my mommy wanted to see them not under pink light. She comes to spend her summers here with me and has some pretty serious pain so I don't know if she is more excited to see me or the buds!

She has been shopping/ comparing the different trim trays available for us. Considering she spends AT LEAST 150 bucks a week on weed... she is going to be helping me buy grow stuff to compensate me a little :)

If i had one dying wish it would be that my mom would smoke with me, my mother also stuck with me through a long 10 year addiction and she and my twin sister are and always will be my rock, unfortunately her Reagen era teachings and extreme religious beliefs keep us from sharing the joys of this plant, here's hoping for a change and appreciating that others get to bond over such an amazing plant! Looking good kitty, congrats!
Oh mah gawwwsh!!! Well thank you for taking the time to read my journal snarls.... it really means a lot when people come in late in the game... that you were able to read through everything I've been through is a compliment in its own and thank you. I have worked very hard on trying to be a decent grower. From where I started back in the beginning to where I am now is... millions of miles further than I ever thought.
Yeah, there was a bit of reading there lol. I use my laptop for here, so I just opened your thread in a separate tab til I finished. And I've seen how far you have grown in your knowledge since your start. I just went back and reread my journal from the start, and let me tell you, it was an eye opener LOL
I always laugh when I look back at the title because it said CFL plus Sun, and while technically I do have a couple cfls in my veg cabinet because I like to use them to nurse seedlings... I definitely gave up on the sun part and now really one LED with my original 300 in veg and then I have that massive Mars II for flower.
I think that's just the natural progression. We move onward and upward ;)
There are a few Grow journals that are about 4 weeks into flower.. well now I'm 4 and half but still... should be fun...

Have a group harvest... lol

Sounds like a plan. There are 3 of us considering a group journal for a group flip on the 10th of this month. Should be interesting, cause 3 different types of grows
There are 3 of us considering a group journal for a group flip on the 10th of this month. Should be interesting, cause 3 different types of grows

Yeah... I was trying to have a couple clones ready for that group flip yall been discussing on Leo's thread!!! Unfortunately ... although it looks like I'm at a 6 out of 8 success rate without any rooting hormone. Just coco pellets and water with a little H2O2 but they took their sweet time rooting. I won't be ready for the group flip :( next time!

Then I plan on having some fun with my stable strains... As you saw in my second journal... I have lots going on....

I'm getting to the point where I only go in the flower room when something needs doing or else I start putting my paws on all the buds and start thinking I wanna cut them now and smoke it all. These last few weeks will be brutal ... I have no smoke... just bad hash around right now. Can't wait ... just can't wait.

Thanks again for stopping by to smell the flowers .

There's plenty virtual gardens here on 420 and I'm honored that you stopped by mine .

Yeah... I was trying to have a couple clones ready for that group flip yall been discussing on Leo's thread!!! Unfortunately ... although it looks like I'm at a 6 out of 8 success rate without any rooting hormone. Just coco pellets and water with a little H2O2 but they took their sweet time rooting. I won't be ready for the group flip :( next time!
I'm sure there will be a next time :)
Then I plan on having some fun with my stable strains... As you saw in my second journal... I have lots going on....

I'm getting to the point where I only go in the flower room when something needs doing or else I start putting my paws on all the buds and start thinking I wanna cut them now and smoke it all. These last few weeks will be brutal ... I have no smoke... just bad hash around right now. Can't wait ... just can't wait.

I was the same on my first grow, wanted to grab a bud here and there but for the most part resisted. Now that grow has been harvested and into the 2nd or 3rd month of cure, and oh man, well worth it. Kitty, it really makes it a lot easier when you have your own bud to consume while waiting for the next harvest. In the meantime, I'll smoke a bowl for ya, and wash it down with some fudge :)
Kitty's First Grow Spring 2017 - LED & CFL & Sun

Yeah, there was a bit of reading there lol. I use my laptop for here, so I just opened your thread in a separate tab til I finished. And I've seen how far you have grown in your knowledge since your start. I just went back and reread my journal from the start, and let me tell you, it was an eye opener LOL

I think that's just the natural progression. We move onward and upward ;)

Sounds like a plan. There are 3 of us considering a group journal for a group flip on the 10th of this month. Should be interesting, cause 3 different types of grows

The 10th is the full moon BTW - so u can keep track by the moon cycles lol
Plus it's called -"Flower Moon"

And kitty, I have 3 rooted babes that need another month I'd say before flipping

Maybe LED vs.HID battle??
Here they are today
Re: Kitty's First Grow Spring 2017 - LED & CFL & Sun

The 10th is the full moon BTW - so u can keep track by the moon cycles lol
Plus it's called -"Flower Moon"
I didn't realize it was a full moon! And to be called "Flower Moon". Surely that must be a sign!
Thanks so much for the info.
Re: Kitty's First Grow Spring 2017 - LED & CFL & Sun

The 10th is the full moon BTW - so u can keep track by the moon cycles lol
Plus it's called -"Flower Moon"

And kitty, I have 3 rooted babes that need another month I'd say before flipping

Maybe LED vs.HID battle??
Here they are today

4 weeks?? They may be ready! Oh we could have a joint journal Grow Off... don't you have a 600 watt mh/hps set up? I flower under a Mars II 1200 coming in around 575 watts from the wall. It'd be an interesting go, that's for sure!!!! I'm down if the clones are. I'll talk to them about it tomorrow when they get transplanted into their 6 liter squares. lol. And you know I don't even HAVE to be a Star Wars nerd/fan to come up with an amazing title!!!!!

Re: Kitty's First Grow Spring 2017 - LED & CFL & Sun

Yes. My mother was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis when she was 23. She is in her 50s and has two hip replacements, both of her feet fused, and pain everyday.

She too was effected by the pharmaceutical opiate epidemic in the US. She got off them when I was in college... when she asked me for the first time if I could buy her some pot.

Italian site seeing is much more fun with a box full of joints... we went to see the counting crows play over on the other coast last summer... we have fun...


Love it! Sounds like you two have a great time together. :Love: I saw the counting crows a few years ago and it was great, but now realize I may have enjoyed the show much better if I had some tincture or vape in my pocket. ;)
I m just using 400w in a 3x3 tent

Welll.... the HID guys say even a 400 watt can outperform our big Chinese blurples...

"The Clone Wars : 400 watts of HID versus 575 watts of Chinese Blurples"

Let's doooooo it!!! A friendly competition though... I think every grower chooses the best equipment for their grow.... I don't like to participate in the my light is better than yours discussions because everyone's Grow is different... We all are just doing the best we can after all!

But a little friendly competition never hurts!

I'm in!
Alright... which one of my plants farted?

Seriously?!?? Wtf? I wake up before lights on at 6:45 am and make a cup a coffee. I go in at about 7am and I can smell their wonderful scent... as I just did a big feed yesterday and we are in our fourth week of flower so today they should be looking/smelling glorious... and for the most part they are.

I smelled something funky and my heart stopped. My mind goes straight to thinking root rot... bud rot... please no god no... but it isn't a musty or moldy smell.

I don't have a great nose. I am a cigarette smoker. So I go to the computer to look up the smell. I then returned to the flower room to find the source of the smell because I didn't really know where the smell was coming from yet.

It isn't the soil. I till around my top soil daily... a new practice that has been helping my soil dry out a bit faster. The soil smells like soil. I checked every plant up and down. I was like a blood hound on the trail of scent that I was now processing as more sulfuric in nature than anything else.

Then I start smelling the plants... the leaves... the buds themselves... and it comes down to ONE plant's central bud. Wtf??? It is one that I did indeed feed yesterday but they all got the same feed at the same ppm. So why is one of my plants... moreover ONE stalk of buds smelling like egg farts??? It seems to be dissipating but this has got me nervous. I reiterate my sense of smell is pretty damn bad and I could smell that distinct sulfuric scent when I opened the door.

I run the dehu pretty much 24/7 at this point in flower and I have plenty of circulation.

Should I be worried? Anyone have any ideas? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated because this fucking stinks! (Had to do it sorry.)

Sorry I'm catching up .... that smell will certainly change a few times usually every day... you just caught it because you are in the room with them. Just be glad it smells like a fart and not cat piss... I've had bud that smells like all kinds of gross shit. Like so nasty how am I going to puff on that... then dry and cure and the sweetness comes forward. You will be fine.

You indeed have a polyploid plant. Good to take clones of her if you haven't already done so. There are actually several versions of polyploidy.. That term is a general term kinda an umbrella term to generalize whats going on with plants that have several copies of chromosomes going on in the plant.

interesting read on it:
Polyploidy - Polyploidy In Animals, Polyploidy In Plants, Genetic Analysis - Chromosome, Chromosomes, and Sets
- JRank Articles

Its a fairly common genetic mutation in the plant world. Your plant there could be triploid up to Octoploid... you can tell how many sets of chromosomes are duplicated by the shape of the flower, IF you look close enough. That's about all I know about it, other than that plant should be larger and more vigorous than her tent mates. Why I mentioned cloning... the clones will have exact copies of the chromosomes so larger plants larger yields and of course larger flowers in your case!

Lucky you... good job. plants are looking great... lots of green leaves. Taper off the nutes and let the plant use up what they have adsorbed .. you will thank me later when trimming!

HID vs LED.. battle is done...there's a thing in the LED world called COB.... (chips on board). For same wattage the COB tech beats HID, I've switched over to all COBs in flower ... I've used HID for sure where I got started. The blurple lights are what they are. If you were growing in HID or COB your ladies would have stretched x2 easily. There's something about the blurple lights that do not promote stretch. I couldn't believe it until I used the COBs.. now all my plants are 5-6" tall in flower.

Oh was reading about your mom and arthritis ... I had it pretty bad for a long time as did my mother. For me... it turned out to be a food allergy that was causing fluid build up in my joints and of course joint pain. I stopped eating wheat... joint pain started to get better and better...stopped eating sugar .... even better.
We humans are 90% bacteria... we grow the wrong ones in our gut (usually from shit food) and we have all kinds of health issues, seemingly unrelated.

My diet is high protein, high fat low carbs no wheat at all (I will get sick for weeks IF I try it again which I wont) and NO sugar. I do eat organically grow fruits and some veggies. Snacks are nuts and dried berries a small amount of DARK no sugar chocolate but just a small amount. Grass fed free range organic only.

I'm off all meds with exception of a baby aspirin every day.... had a SMA dissection (torn aorta) a few years ago, was in ICU for a week on the table 3 near death experiences ... needless to say I was addicted to pain meds and on all sorts of crap to supposedly keep me alive. Kicked all that crap to the curb one at a time .... now healthy happy and no longer taking any pain meds .. I guess I would be considered still an addict??? Dilaudid injections every hour for several days will do it. Then follow that therapy up with Oxycontin and other crap... wow. Just writing that is scary..

I guess my point was that we are made up of mostly bacteria and its very important to feed the healthy bacteria to keep us healthy, and thats the same thing with plants.... feed the bacteria, the bacteria feed the plant ... symbiotic relationship. Humans are the same deal.


Anyway plants looking great... a lot of green.. colored pistols I like to see some colored leaves to go with. Senescence is a thing... and completely normal.
Hey guys... I will check in to post final harvest weight and close my journals but I am no longer going to be participating in the 420 forum discussions. The people I have met here are awesome and I wish you all the best. Thanks so much for being a part of this with me. Shoot me a private message if you want to stay in touch personally.

Thanks for your understanding.

Kitty's First Grow Spring 2017 - LED & CFL & Sun


Don't know weights yet. Harvested gradually to see effect. That is my first jar set to cure. I'm thinking I'll fill about 8 of those... maybe more... its weight though... only have a kitchen scale so... who knows? It's a lot of weed!

Learned a lot. Still finishing them up and have another batch in the flower tent now and one going in the veg cabinet this week :)

Thanks everyone. Sorry about dipping on the forums. I am still here ... I just don't participate :) I have found a hobby and a passion and I love it so much words can't explain. I just see a lot of bad business as this is an industry in explosion right now. I do not support bad business but I support everyone of you beautiful people.

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