Alright quick tutorial of whaT I did for my homade calcium supplement and phosphate as well.
Things needed for the
-1 organic apple cider vinegar I bought a bottle that was 355 ml for 4$ cdn at local grocery store .
- eggshells about a dozen sadly I’ve been collecting of you do as well I would suggest keeping inventory of how many eggs then you can once say have two dozen get it’s dry whieght and spilt that number in half or divide it by two and that would give you how much grams of egg shells is used per 12 eggs roughly ?
- a glass jar
-Frying pan
And about twenty mins or so of your time and a wooden spoon to stir shells so they don’t burn . I found medium heat so he good and reducing the heat to about 4 at times and stirring occasionally .
Here is some pics of process
Okay so here is my rough dozen of shells I’ve been collecting rinse shells out and let dry for few days on window sill clean out proteins and figaments. Prior to all of this .
So as you can see they are all white as pearly teeth should be .
Next you can see after playing with heat and about 10 mins at this point they are darkenning . Your burnt ones will be calcium and white ones will be your phosphorus sorry .
I think this pic is the temperature I mostly cooked at for about 15 -20 mins
Few items you will need
Powdered -final groundings
Now I put the powder into a mixing bowl and poorer about three quarters of the bottle in to the dozen eggshells and stirred and poured into the mason jar I am using
Here we have or final product which will cure for twenty days then I can enjoy 1 mil per gal
Enjoy hope that helps anyone looking for their own calcium ways