Early miss auto cks
Week three day 5 flower .
Feeding advanced nutrients ph perfect . trio grow,micro &abloom
Trace elements are advance nutrients ph perfect compatible,
1. Nirvana 2. Big bud 3. Cal mag
In rain water barrel from roof and sky .
Pro mix hp with added perlite and clay pebbles fir better aeration and protection against root damage and pest and more .
Hope everyone has s beautiful weekend . Smoke lots love lots did I say smoke lots.
Love from Canada . .
Then in coco straight .. we have what I believe to be from mail order few months back. Is white cheese nukem seeds
Anyone think I should transplant. Week 2 day 5 ? Any pointers on this think I'm ripping this one as well
Feeding grow micro bloom cal mag b52 and voodoo juice ph perfect .
Any recommendations what be solid