King's Headband 818 - Indoor - Coco - Mars Hydro LED - Winter Grow

Yea man, glad your setting a few outdoor. I got some outdoor as well. Hopefully it goes well and wife don’t kill you lol. My lips are sealed lol.✌️
Just need to hide it lol
Outside there's predators. If it's got good light and a huge deep hole full of goodness she'll fight off all the beasties
Nervous will see lol
Question do I need to ph my water after nutes of course added if going in soil I think I’ll drop some z7 once in awhile too ? Or is that over kill?
Deer or elk will eff your stuff up more than some measly bugs.

Neem is fine Joe. Don't think you'll need it every 3 days though.
I'm on the other oar Joe. Got another rdwc grow on cruise control, but I'm freaking out about doing one auto plant outside in dirt. lol.
Good so I’m not alone lol
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