King's Headband 818 - Indoor - Coco - Mars Hydro LED - Winter Grow

Alright last update off to bed im
Poop guys putting that work in man .

Nice haul Joe. I'm going with 146gs dry
Okay 5 zips almost i like the way your thinking buddy that would be a record for me .
Awesome man! Big ole stems of buds and some big colas on the end.
Tip spreading seemed to pay off of say thanks lights Addict 420 magazine community you all grew this with me as far as I’m concerned✌
I also want to share some info about nutrients I know personally how overwhelming it can be so many numbers it can feel a bit stressful rest assure I hope this info I read of net few weeks ago has helped me a lot . I still myself can’t really confidently explain what a 2-4-5 for example . Let’s say the 4. Or any of the numbers now I think of it but what that means Or stands for like what does the 4 mean 4 parts per million? Of p ?

Then how to calculate those numbers for estimate area to be in ?

Sorry hard to explain what o am asking you all here? What do those numbers represent I get n nitro p phorous k potassium but what do the numbers actually mean it self I don’t get ?

But yes learned a ton still nonetheless and I hope this info helps anyone out there out as it did me ✌

Cheers ,

Great harvest Joe! I’ll guess 80 grams. :rollit:
Wow low Baller lol

Moe was 70 g remember.. and these buds are twice as bigger and beaches are longer ? Still 80eh hmm.
Tip spreading seemed to pay off of say thanks lights Addict 420 magazine community you all grew this with me as far as I’m concerned✌

Excited to see Tip Spreading has paid off. I've bee spreading tips for the last 3-4 weeks. I do notice that the bud sites seem to be closer together.

I'm guessing 170 Grams Dry.
Excited to see Tip Spreading has paid off. I've bee spreading tips for the last 3-4 weeks. I do notice that the bud sites seem to be closer together.

I'm guessing 170 Grams Dry.
Damn liking these guesses minus pennywise this time lol
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