Ken's Grand Daddy Purple

Damn herms. No matter, plants look great.
Thanks. Some times they just show up. Cant find any light leaks but that plant was stressed when the bucket ran dry. She bounced back great but who knows….Women. :)
Day 35

Currently she looks great and well trained, not much time to wait before harvest. You did well my man!
She has some fat calyx’s. Little blueberries. I gave out clones of all of the girls so if one turns out to be special I can try again.
Day 38

These 2 hydro ladies seem to be finishing really fast. Lots of red hairs at day 38. IDK. Needa look at tricks I guess. I've read this is an 8 week's strain but I've also read it can take 75 days. We will see I reckon.

Day 43

Day 46

Had to cut a few of the top buds on the hydro plants cuz they were getting into the light an I had it raised all the way. Trichs are mostly cloudy

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