KelticBlue's Ace Seeds Regular - Indoor - Soil - Mars LED - Small Tent

On my first grow I had a few who kept me in check and I'm so fortunate for this lessen in patience. So good on bobrown14 and Hozona for that help.

Hey there MJ - yea we all have to learn a little patience. I learned from CC (I don't think he's here anymore) but I had some 100% sativa blueberry skunk running +100 days and I wanted to chop it was taking F O R E V E R. 100 days in flower, really? The plants were huge for indoors to. CC talked me off the shears several times... no kidding I bet he got tired of asking me to wait - I was going to chop at day 75, they went 105 days!! It was worth it and I leaned a valuable lesson that run. So I'm fortunate to be able to pass that lesson along for others. Like watering and drying and curing... when to chop is up there with the rest of the important steps in growing.

For me learning and sharing what we learn is what community is all about.
Rotting meat? There's a welcome perfume. :laughtwo:

We call that Dank.... its whats for dinner and after dinner too! Whats not to like. Green is the new white meat! hahaha

Hey there KB - love those bud shots with the seeds ... if you look at them a certain way it kinda looks a tad erotic as in XXX erotic. The seed pods remind me of certain body bits. :yikes: Not in a creepy way mind you... ah crap, never mind.

Moving on... love that CBG there - I've got 9 seedlings going thanks to you! :thumb:
When I got the pics off the camera. Indeed, I too saw the body bits resemblance. I never know till I look on the big screen what I shoot. Part of the fun. I might start using my dslr to shoot in the future. I just like the settings on my small point and shoot for now.
Thanks everybody : - )

I do the same thing - stick the phone in there, take a best guess on positioning and shoot! I get some super shots like that. :laughtwo:
Hey there KB - My Auto CBG are starting to take off. Wow they grow fast. It's already time for me to transplant them into final containers. What size pots do you like with this strain. With autos I usually use 2gal pots.

Last round I did 1 dark devil in a 4gal pot and my cover crops were taller and I had to trim them! The smallest little plant I ever grew! Was a record, I think I got like 5 buds! hahaha probably going to be the best I've ever smoked too.
A picture update.

Here is what I found this morning.

I am going to go with the seeds it is producing are viable. This is a regular could be a male. If memory serves there is 25% chance it could be an auto. No matter. I am over the moon that one of the seeds sprouted on its own. I found 4 other seeds unspouted on the soil top this morning.
Rock on!
Now this one is the Auto CBG.
The teeny tiny-est thing right now. it has been living in the shade for the last 3-4 weeks. Lights are 12/12 so that may have it going slow. Got a little top dress of EWC.
Auto flower indeed!

Here is a close up of the old mother Auto cbg. one of the side buds.

Gotta chop the top bud off the Auto. I need smoke for Mrs. KB. Looks like about 2 grams wet maybe one gram dry. I dunno there is a lot of seed weight.

got lots to do tomorrow, see ya in the funny pages :ciao:

Such a beauty too. I love the way you capture the colors and the frostiness.

Such a beauty too. I love the way you capture the colors and the frostiness.

thanks SS. I was a little shaky today with caffeine so i used the timer a bit. But the colors, oh dear me, purty cool beans. makes shooting fun

. . . I was just trimming some off for Mrs.KB oh gawd it stinks sour and strong. We gotta go out shopping and I thought she might like a buzz for the walk. tehehheheheh.

sunny day ! :surf:
Personal update. Someone tried to break into my car. And 5 other cars in the garage of my building. They didn't get in. But the door handle and key hole are mangled. It was a pretty poor effort. I mean you want in break the window. Easy peazy. But no let's take a screwdriver to the plastic handle.
Anywho. This is gonna cost a bunch. So any plans I had for new lighting isn't happening. I did have plans for a supplemental light bar.
Oh well that is life in the big city.
All I have to say is arse-pickles.
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